@mastersthesis{ffst:4323, author = {{Škomrlj, Jakov Andro}}, title = {{CREATIVE WRITING AND SCIENCE FICTION}}, } @mastersthesis{ffst:4240, author = {{Buzdovačić, Petra}}, title = {{COGNITIVE ESTRANGEMENT IN KAZUO ISHIGURO'S NEVER LET ME GO AND BLACK MIRROR}}, } @mastersthesis{ffst:4089, author = {{Jovanović, Luka}}, title = {{OCTAVIA BUTLER´S - LILITH´S BROOD TRILOGY AND POSTHUMANISM}}, } @mastersthesis{ffst:4082, author = {{Šprlje, Toni}}, title = {{THE SKYWALKER SAGA: THE HERO, THE VILLAIN, THE UNDERWORLD}}, } @mastersthesis{ffst:4036, author = {{Prskalo, Lidija}}, title = {{CULTURAL DEFORMATION IN DISNEY MOVIES}}, } @mastersthesis{ffst:1491, author = {{Vestić, Victoria}}, title = {{ASSASSIN`S CREED AS A FRACTAL UNDERWORLD}}, } @mastersthesis{ffst:610, author = {{Vestić, Victoria}}, title = {{"Depictions of preordained order in Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' and Milon's 'Paradise lost'}}, }