Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je prikazati Aristotelova metafizička počela prilikom čega je temeljna literatura na koju se oslanjamo knjiga Terenca Irwina Aristotle’s First Principles. Prva filozofija kao znanost o biću kao biću, danas poznatija kao metafizika, prvi je put spomenuta u Aristotelovoj zbirci rasprava kasnije nazvanoj Metafizika. Bavi se istraživanjem prvih počela i uzroka, supstancije, nadosjetilnih supstanciji i Boga te bića kaobića. Uradu prikazujemotri mogućemetodedolaska doprvog objektivnogpočela,kao i probleme vezane uz svaku pojedinu metodu. Uz pojam počela usko je vezan pojam supstancije kojeg Aristotel spominje u Kategorijama i Metafizici. U potonjem djelu istražuje što možemo podrazumijevati supstancijom u primarnom smislu, i nudi nekoliko kandidata. Nakon odbacivanja materije kao supstancije, dolazi do zaključka kako forma jedina zadovoljava uvjet primarne supstancije. Nadalje, u kasnijoj razradi određuje supstanciju kao neki uzrok i počelo, uz što je vezano Aristotelovo učenje o uzrocima koje iznosi u Fizici, ali i Metafizici. Aristotel razlikuje dvije vrste osjetilnih supstanci kojima je zajednička mogućnost promjene, no jedne su vječne (nebeska tijela) dok druge nisu (pojedinačno ljudsko biće). Zbog toga smatra kako mora postojati i treća vrsta supstancije koja je vječna, neuništiva i nepromjenjiva. Tu treću vrstu supstancije naziva Nepokrenutim Pokretačem, tj. Uzrokom svih ostalih supstancija. Tvrdi kako treća supstancija mora biti neuništiva jer kada bi sve supstancije bile propadljive, samim time bi sve bilo propadljivo, uključujući i vrijeme, štoje poAristotelunemoguće. Također, bitno jekako jenepokrenuta jer kada bi sve supstancije mogle pokretati, došli bismo do beskonačno mnogo pokretača, što također odbacuje. Upravo zbog toga iznosi učenje o Nepokrenutom Pokretaču ili Bogu koji je čisti akt, uzrok svih uzroka i mišljenje sveg mišljenja. Na kraju rada dotičemo se Irwinova pojma ‘jake’ dijalektike, za koju smatra da je Aristotel u Metafizici upotrebljava kaoglavnumetodu. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis aims at presenting Aristotle's metaphysical beginnings, whereby the primary literature used is the Irwin Terence's book Aristotle’s First Principles. The first philosophy as a science of being as a being, today better known as metaphysics, was firstmentioned in Aristotle's collection of debates later titled Metaphysics. It studies the first beginnings ad causes, substances, super-sensible substances, God and beings as beings. The thesis demonstrates three possible methods of arrival to the first objective beginning, as well as problems related to each of them. The concept of a beginning is closely related to the concept of substances that Aristotle is referring to in Categories and Metaphysics. In the latter piece, he is examining what can be implied as a substance in the primary sense and offers several candidates as a possible answer. After rejecting matter as a substance, he arrives to the conclusion that it is only the form that satisfies the condition for the primary substance. Furthermore, in the later elaboration, he defines substance as a cause and beginning, what is closely related to his study about causes that he delivers in Physics but also in Metaphysics. Aristotle distinguishes two kinds of sensory substances with a common possibility to undergo a change; however, one kind is eternal (celestial bodies), whereas the other is not (individual human beings). He, therefore, considers that there must exist the third kind of substance that is eternal, indestructible and invariable. He refers to it as an Unmoved Mover i.e. the cause of all other substances. He claims how the third substance must be indestructible, because if all substances were to be able to decay, then everything would be detrimental, time included, what, according to Aristotle, is impossible. Furthermore, it is important that it is unmoved, because if all substances could trigger, we would have infinitely many drivers, what he also rejects. He therefore delivers the teaching about the Unmoved Mover or God, who is a pure act, the cause of all causes and the opinion of all opinions. Towards the end of the thesis, we touch on the term “strong” dialectics, coined by Irwin, that he believes is the main method used by Aristotle inMetaphysics. |