Abstract | Rad je nastao iz želje za boljim upoznavanjem otoka Korčule, njegove nematerijalne baštine i njenih baštinika, posebice Velolučana i Blaćana koji su me, na otoku na koji me dovela i za koji me veže samo ljubav, prihvatili kao svoju. Tu istu ljubav im zahvalno uzvraćam čuvanjem od zaborava njihovih pjesmi, predaja, legendi i pričanja iz života. Zapisi zabilježeni u radu prethodno su snimljeni u audio obliku u svibnju 2016. godine. Čitajući rad može se vidjeti kako su Velolučani i Blaćani nekoć živjeli. Saznajemo kako se kantalo svom sokolu i svojoj golubici, o pomorcima i njihovim zgodama, o veloluškim praljudima - prababi i pradidu i o nekadašnjem kopnenom jedinstvu Hvara, Korčule i Pelješca. Otkrili smo tko je bila principessa Mafalda iz grada Bradata, gdje je nalazište Slova, kakva je to loza Čičak, odakle su Surjani, zašto na Korčuli ni bilo kuge, kako se prin nosila pošta, koliko je značio tovar, što se sve činilo zbog ljubavi i još mnogo toga. Iz generacije u generaciju priče su mijenjale svoj oblik, ali ono što je u njima ostalo netaknuto i živo je plamen i duh prošlog vremena. Stoga je, kako profesor Dragić ističe, čuvanje tradicijske kulture i usmene književnosti civilizacijski čin kojim čuvamo identitet svog naroda. |
Abstract (english) | This paper was borne out of a desire to get to know the island of Korčula, its intangible heritage and its heirs, especially the people of Vela Luka and Blato who, on an island to which I was brought and bound to by love, took me in as their own. This same love I gratefully return by preserving their songs, oral traditions, legends and stories from everyday life from oblivion. The logs noted down in this paper were previously recorded in audio format in May 2016. Reading this paper one can get a sense of how the people of Vela Luka and Blato once lived. We learn how they sang to their falcons and doves, of seafarers and their adventures, of the early inhabitants of Vela Luka – great-grandmother and father and of the former terrestrial unity of Hvar, Korčula and Pelješac. We discover who principessa Mafalda of the town of Bradat was, where Slova can be found, what the Čičak vintage is like, where the Surjans come from, why there was no plague in Korčula, how mail used to be delivered, of the importance of donkeys, of the things done for love, and much more. Generation to generation, the stories slowly transformed, but that in them which remained unchanged and alive is the spirit and flame of times gone by. Therefore, as professor Dragić likes to put it, the preservation of traditional culture and oral literature is a civilizational act through which we preserve the identity of our people. |