Abstract | Ovaj rad bavi se obrazovanjem djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, skupini poremećaja koja se prema Ministarstvu znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta nalazi na orijentacijskoj listi vrsta teškoća. Ti poremećaji razvijaju se u ranom djetinjstvu te mogu biti popraćeni lakšim ili težim oblikom intelektualne onesposobljenosti. Dugi niz godina dijagnosticiranje poremećaja autističnog spektra provodilo se na temelju Dijagnostičkog i statističkog priručnika za duševne poremećaje-DSM-IV (1996). Prema njemu neki od poremećaja ovog spektra su klasični autizam ili Kannerov sindrom, Aspergerov sindrom, Rettov sindrom, atipični autizam te dezintegrativni poremećaj u djetinjstvu. Međutim, prema novom izdanju priručnika (DSM-V, 2014), poremećaj autističnog spektra obuhvaća sve navedene poremećaje, osim Rettovog sindroma, te se mjeri prema razini težine poremećaja u što su uključene tri razine. U radu je obuhvaćen detaljan opis spomenutih poremećaja prema DSM-IV klasifikaciji (1996), uključujući njihove simtpome, obilježja, navodne uzroke te učestalost javljanja, popraćen opisima poremećaja navedenim u DSM-V klasifikaciji (2014). Autistična djeca imaju poteškoće u psihičkom razvoju, pogotovo u socijalnoj interakciji i komunikaciji, što otežava njihovu inkluziju u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu, a kasnije i društvenom životu. Iz navedenih razloga sudionici odgojno-obrazovnog sustava, ponajprije učitelji, odgajatelji i sami roditelji, imaju važnu ulogu u poticanju psihičkog razvoja djece koja se nose s ovim neizlječivim poremećajem. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with the education of children with autism spectrum disorder , a group of disorders which, according to Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, is listed on the Orientation List of Types of Difficulties. These disorders develop in early childhood and can be followed by various forms of intellectual disabilities. For many years autism spectrum disorder diagnosis was conducted based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- DSM-IV (1996). According to it, some of these disorders are Autistic Disorder or Kanner Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Atypical Autism and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. However, according to the new edition of the Manual (DSM-V, 2014), autism spectrum disorder covers all disorders mentioned above, except Rett Syndrome, and is measured by the level of difficulty of the disorder, which includes three levels. A detailed description of mentioned disorders according to DSM-IV classification (1996) is given in the paper, including their symptoms, characteristics, supposed causes and epidemiology, followed by descriptions of the disorder given in the DSM-V classification (2014). Autistic children manifest difficulties in their psychological development, especially when it comes to social interaction and communication, which makes their inclusion into the educational system, and later on into social life, much more difficult. Thus, participants of the educational system, especially teachers, educators and parents themselves, have an important role in encouraging psychological development of children who suffer from this incurable disorder. |