Abstract | Pušenje duhana danas predstavlja veliki zdravstveni, ekonomski i socio-kulturni problem, kako u svijetu, tako i u Hrvatskoj. Mladi su tijekom sazrijevanja i traženja identiteta skloni raznim vrstama eksperimentiranja, što uključuje i isprobavanje novih sredstava ovisnosti, uključujući i pušenje. Svugdje oko sebe nailazimo na pušače koji osim što uništavaju svoje zdravlje, narušavaju zdravlje i nepušača u svojoj blizini. Stoga, pušenje predstavlja jednu od ozbiljnijih vrsta ovisnosti današnjice te je ujedno i među vodećim uzrocima smrtnosti. Naime, pušenje je čimbenik rizika za tri vodeće skupine uzroka smrti u Hrvatskoj – kardiovaskularne bolesti, maligne bolesti i bolesti respiratornog sustava. Svi organski sustavi pogođeni su štetnim djelovanjem više od četiri tisuće kemijskih spojeva koje pušač unosi inhalacijom duhanskoga dima. Pasivno pušenje je nevoljno inhaliranje duhanskoga dima koji se smatra drugim najčešćim uzrokom izloženosti kancerogenima. U mnogim je državama pušenje duhana prepoznato kao ozbiljan i opasan zdravstveni problem koji pridonosi smrtnosti zbog niza bolesti koje se pojavljuju kao posljedica dugotrajnog uživanja u pušenju zbog čega su uvedeni antipušački zakoni. Najštetniji sastojci duhanskoga dima su nikotin, katran i ugljikov dioksid. Iako sve tvari u dimu utječu na izložene ljude do određenoga stupnja, nikotin se smatra primarnom tvari koja je odgovorna za farmakološke reakcije na pušenje, a mnogi ljudi puše kako bi zadovoljili svoju ovisničku potrebu za nikotinom.
U ovome istraživanju sudjelovalo je 110 ispitanika od prve do pete godine studija Učiteljskoga studija u Splitu, a odgovori su analizirani na temelju anketnog upitnika koji se sastojao od tri dijela. U prvom dijelu ispitivali smo jesu li ispitanici pušači te razloge zbog kojih puše, a u drugom i trećem dijelu imaju li razvijene miskoncepte o duhanskom dimu i utjecaju pušenja na zdravlje. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako 45 % ispitanih osoba puši duhanske proizvode, dok ih je najviše (65 %) počelo pušiti tijekom srednje škole, što zapravo predstavlja najkritičnije razdoblje adolescentne dobi. Naši studenti ne poznaju dovoljno zakonske odredbe i načine na koji bi se smanjio broj pušača, kao ni utjecaj nikotina na zdravlje. Većina studenata nije svjesna kako je pušenje jedan od vodećih uzroka smrti te nisu svjesni štetnog utjecaja na psihičko i fizičko osobno zdravlje. Ipak, ohrabrujuće je da ih većina želi prestati pušiti. Kako bismo nekim budućim istraživanjima dobili bolje i obećavajuće rezultate o problemu ovisnosti pušenja, nužno je provoditi razne edukativno interaktivne radionice i osmišljavati tematske seminare o ovisnosti pušenja te uložiti dodatne napore prevencije uvođenjem antipušačkih zakona. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, tobacco smoking is a major health, economic and socio-cultural problem, both in the world and in Croatia. Young people are prone to various types of experimentation as they mature and search for identity, which includes trying out new addictive substances, including smoking. Everywhere around us we come across smokers who, in addition to destroying their own health, also damage the health of non-smokers in their vicinity. Therefore, smoking is one of the most serious types of addiction today and is also among the leading causes of death. Namely, smoking is a risk factor for the three leading groups of causes of death in Croatia - cardiovascular diseases, malignant diseases and diseases of the respiratory system. All organ systems are affected by the harmful effects of more than four thousand chemical compounds that a smoker ingests by inhaling tobacco smoke. Passive smoking is the involuntary inhalation of tobacco smoke, which is considered to be the second most common cause of exposure to carcinogens. In many countries, tobacco smoking has been recognized as a serious and dangerous health problem that contributes to mortality due to a number of diseases that occur as a result of long-term cigarette consumption, which has led to the introduction of anti-smoking laws. The most harmful ingredients of tobacco smoke are nicotine, tar and carbon dioxide. Although all substances found in smoke affect to a certain degree the people exposed to it, nicotine is considered the primary substance responsible for pharmacological reactions to smoking, and many people smoke in order to satisfy their addictive need for nicotine.
110 respondents from the first to the fifth year of the Faculty of Teacher Education University of Split participated in this research, and the answers were analyzed on the basis of a survey questionnaire consisting of three parts. In the first part, we examined whether the respondents were smokers and the reasons why they smoke, and in the second and third parts, whether they had developed misconceptions about tobacco smoke as well as the impact of smoking on health. The obtained results show that 45% of the respondents do consume tobacco products, while most of them (65%) started smoking during high school, which is actually the most critical period of adolescence. Our students are not familiar with legal regulations or the way of reducing the number of smokers, neither the impact of nicotine on our health. Most of the students are not aware of the fact that smoking is one of the main causes of death and they are not aware how harmful is it to mental and physical health. Still, it is encouraging that most of them wants to stop smoking. To get better results in future
researshes about problems connected with addiction of smoking it is important to make different kind of educiationally interactive workshops and thematic seminars on smoking addiction and make more anti-smoking laws as a prevention. |