Title Feminizacija profesije nastavnika
Title (english) Feminization of the teaching profession
Author Ana Vrgoč
Mentor Ivanka Buzov (mentor)
Committee member Gorana Bandalović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivanka Buzov (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Feminizacija profesije označava veći postotak ţena u odreĎenoj profesiji. Taj društveni fenomen u mnogim zemljama, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, dugi niz godina karakterizira nastavničku profesiju. Predmet ovog sociološkog istraţivanja su stavovi i mišljenja nastavnika i studenata nastavničkih studija o većoj zastupljenosti ţena u nastavničkoj profesiji. Isti se analizirao kroz odreĎivanje ključnih točaka koje definiraju razloge feminizacije profesije nastavnika, te ispitivanje i pronalazak razlika u viĎenju nastavničke profesije izmeĎu nastavnika i studenata nastavničkih studija. Istraţivanje je provedeno u prvoj polovici 2020. godine metodom online ankete na uzorku od 152 nastavnika splitskih osnovnih i srednjih škola, te 112 studenata nastavničkih studija splitskog, zadarskog i zagrebačkog Sveučilišta. Rezultati istraţivanja dokazuju prisutnost feminizacije, omjer ţena i muškaraca nastavnika iznosi 91:9, a studenata nastavničkih studija 95:5. Obe skupine sudionika/ca navode da je u njihovim odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama veći broj ţena. Većina nastavnika, kao i studenata, navodi da su to oduvijek htjeli biti, te da im je nastavnička profesija bila prvi izbor. Ono što je privuklo i nastavnike i studente da odaberu nastavničku profesiju je rad s djecom i mladima. Ni nastavnici, ni studenti ne smatraju da feminizacija šteti ugledu nastavničke profesije. Nastavnici, kao i studenti, smatraju da je glavni razlog feminizacije profesije nastavnika psihičke predispozicije ţena (briţnost, strpljivost, suosjećajnost). I studenti i nastavnici navode da su ţene i muškarci jednako dobri za obavljanje nastavničkog posla. Funkciju dekana na fakultetima kod 81% sudionika/ca obavlja ţena, a funkciju ravnatelja takoĎer ţena kod 71% sudionika/ca. Većina nastavnika je zadovoljna svojom profesijom i ponovo bi izabrali istu. Studenti su, takoĎer, uglavnom zadovoljni svojim studijem, ali ne smatraju da je nastavnička profesija atraktivna i cijenjena u našem društvu. Nastavnici koji nisu zadovoljni svojom profesijom, te studenti koji su naveli neke od potrebnih promjena za povećanjem broja muškaraca u nastavničkoj profesiji, smatraju da je za to uglavnom zasluţno društvo. Odnosno, potrebno je zaustaviti omalovaţavanje nastavničke profesije i vratiti dostojanstvo nastavnicima.
Abstract (english) Feminization of a profession means a higher percentage of women in a particular profession. This social phenomenon in many countries, including Croatia, has characterized the teaching profession for many years. The subject of this sociological research is the attitudes and opinions of teachers and students of teacher education about the greater representation of women in the teaching profession. It was analyzed through the identification of key points that define the reasons for the feminization of the teaching profession, and the examination and finding of differences in the perception of the teaching profession between teachers and students of teacher education. The research was conducted in the first half of 2020. using an online survey on a sample of 152 teachers of Split primary and secondary schools, and 112 students of teacher education at the University of Split, Zadar and Zagreb. The results of the research prove the presence of feminization, the ratio of women and men of teachers is 91:9, and students of teacher education 95:5. Both groups of participants state that there are a larger number of women in their educational institutions. Most teachers, as well as students, state that they have always wanted to be teacher, and that the teaching profession was their first choice. What has attracted both teachers and students to choose the teaching profession is working with children and young people. Neither teachers, nor students believe that feminization damages the reputation of the teaching profession. Teachers, as well as students, believe that the main reason for the feminization of the teaching profession is the mental predisposition of women (care, patience, compassion). Both, students and teachers, state that women and men are equally good at doing teaching work. The function of the dean at the faculties is performed by women in 81% of the participants, and the function of the school director is also performed by women in 71% of the participants. Most teachers are satisfied with their profession and would choose it again. Students are also generally satisfied with their studies, but do not find the teaching profession attractive and valued in our society. Teachers who are dissatisfied with their profession, and students who have listed some of the necessary changes to increase the number of men in the teaching profession, believe that society is largely responsible for this. That is, it is necessary to stop belittling the teaching profession and restore dignity to teachers.
profesija nastavnika
odgojno-obrazovna ustanova
rodne uloge
Keywords (english)
teaching profession
educational institution
gender roles
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:231180
Study programme Title: Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-10-19 08:48:09