Title Prirodne katastrofe kao društveni fenomen
Title (english) Natural disasters as social phenomenon
Author Marijan Pušić
Mentor Sanja Stanić (mentor)
Committee member Ivanka Buzov (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Stanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gorana Bandalović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Tema ovog rada su prirodne katastrofe koje se mogu promatrati kao društveni fenomen.
Bez društvenog konteksta, sociološko istraživanje ne bi imalo smisla niti bi ga bilo moguće
provesti. U radu fokus ne zauzimaju prirodne katastrofe u kontekstu njihovih manifestacija,
brojnosti, već se fokus stavlja na: uzroke pojava njih samih, rano upozorenje ključno u
adekvatnom odgovoru na prirodne katastrofe, destruktivan karakter prirodnih katastrofa,
utjecaj prirodnih katastrofa na širu društvenu
... More zajednicu; razvijanje osjećaja društvene
solidarnosti i kontrole. Svrha ovog rada je istražiti mišljenja i stavove o prirodnim
katastrofama, kao i osjećaj ugroženosti kod populacije studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo dvjesto studentica i studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu.
Istraživanje je provedeno online anketom. Uzorak od dvjesto ispitanika je neprobabilistički
prigodni uzorak. Hipoteze postavljene u ovom istraživanju su da će istraživački nalazi
pokazati: H1 prevladavajuće mišljenje o porastu prirodnih katastrofa na globalnoj razini, kao i
njihovu uzrokovanost socijalnim djelovanjima; H2 da se ispitanici u većini osjećaju sigurnima,
odnosno, manje učestalo mišljenje o osobnoj ugroženosti; H3 prevladavajuće mišljenje o
sigurnosti prostora/područja življenja; H4 povjerenje ispitanika u institucije zaštite i
spašavanja; H5 dostupnost informacija ključna u adekvatnom odgovoru na prirodne katastrofe;
H6 pesimistično viđenje budućnosti kada su u pitanju prirodne katastrofe i njihove posljedice.
Rezultatima istraživanja je potvrđeno svih šest hipoteza.
Podaci koje je polučilo ovo istraživanje pokazuju kako većina ispitanika smatra da su
uzroci događanja prirodnih katastrofa, promjene u okolišu izazvane socijalnim djelovanjima.
Isto tako, većina ispitanika smatra da se povećava broj i učestalost prirodnih katastrofa na
globalnoj razini. Mišljenje o osobnoj ugroženosti, prisutno je kod najmanje ispitanika, a razlog
je taj da njihov stambeni prostor nije kvalitetno građen i da se u njihovom mjestu događaju
prirodne katastrofe. Prevladavajuće je mišljenje kod ispitanika o osobnoj neugroženosti te da
ispitanici ne mogu procijeniti osobnu ugroženost. Većina ispitanika prostor/područje življenja
smatra relativno sigurnim od prirodnih katastrofa. Većina ispitanika ima povjerenje u
institucije zaštite i spašavanja. Nije zanemariv udio ispitanika koji nemaju (izrazito) povjerenje
u te institucije. Većina ispitanika smatra da je informiranost ljudi važna za njihovo ponašanje
u slučaju prirodnih katastrofa, i da se većina ispitanika, o prirodnim katastrofama, informira
putem Interneta (portali, društvene mreže...). Isto tako, velik je udio onih ispitanika koji se
informiraju o prirodnim katastrofama putem televizije. Radio i tiskani mediji, izvor su
informacija za manjinu ispitanika. Većina ispitanika se slaže s tvrdnjama da će u budućnosti
ljudi biti sve više izloženi rizicima od prirodnih katastrofa, da će uslijed porasta prirodnih
katastrofa, kvaliteta života opasti, da će u budućnosti u Hrvatskoj biti sve više potresa. Većina
ispitanika se slaže s tvrdnjom da će se uslijed porasta prirodnih katastrofa, ljudi iseljavati iz
rizičnih područja, međutim znatan je udio ispitanika koji ne mogu procijeniti tu tvrdnju.
Najviše ispitanika se slaže s tvrdnjom da će u budućnosti razina mora porasti i potopit će se
priobalni dijelovi, iako je relativno velik udio ispitanika koji ne može procijeniti tu tvrdnju.
Generalno je pokazana svijest o porastu prirodnih katastrofa na globalnoj razini te manja
osobna i prostorna ugroženost od rizika prirodnih katastrofa. Less
Abstract (english) The topic of this paper is natural disasters that can be viewed as a social phenomenon.
Without a social context, sociological research would not make sense nor would it be possible
to conduct it. The paper does not focus on natural disasters in the context of their
manifestations, numbers, but focuses on: causes of their own occurrence, early warning crucial
in adequate response to natural disasters, the destructive nature of natural disasters, the impact
of natural disasters on the
... More wider community; developing a sense of social solidarity and control.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate opinions and attitudes about natural disasters, as well
as the feeling of vulnerability among the student population of the Faculty of Philosophy in
Two hundred students of the Faculty of Philosophy in Split participated in the research.
The research was conducted through an online survey. The sample of two hundred respondents
is a non-probabilistic occasional sample. The hypotheses set forth in this study are that the
research findings will show: H1 the prevailing view of the increase in natural disasters globally,
as well as their causality by social actions; H2 that the majority of respondents feel safe, that
is, less frequent opinion about personal vulnerability; H3 prevailing opinion on the safety of
the space / living area; H4 respondents' trust in protection and rescue institutions; H5
availability of information crucial in adequate response to natural disasters; H6 pessimistic
view of the future when it comes to natural disasters and their consequences. All six hypotheses
were confirmed by the results of the research.
The data obtained by this research show that most respondents believe that the causes
of natural disasters are changes in the environment caused by social actions. Likewise, most
respondents believe that the number and frequency of natural disasters is increasing globally.
Opinion on personal vulnerability is present in the least number of respondents, and the reason
is that their housing is not well built and that natural disasters occur in their place. The
prevailing opinion among respondents is about personal vulnerability and that respondents
cannot assess personal vulnerability. Most respondents consider the area / living area to be
relatively safe from natural disasters. Most respondents have confidence in protection and
rescue institutions. The share of respondents who do not have (pronounced) trust in these
institutions is not negligible. Most respondents believe that informing people is important for
their behavior in case of natural disasters, and that most respondents are informed about natural
disasters via the Internet (portals, social networks ...). Likewise, a large proportion of those
respondents are informed about natural disasters through television. Radio and print media are
a source of information for a minority of respondents. Most respondents agree with the
statements that in the future people will be more exposed to the risks of natural disasters, that
due to the increase of natural disasters, the quality of life will decline, that in the future there
will be more earthquakes in Croatia. The majority of respondents agree with the statement that
due to the increase in natural disasters, people will move out of risk areas, however, a
significant proportion of respondents cannot assess this statement. Most respondents agree with
the statement that sea levels will rise and coastal areas will sink in the future, although a
relatively large proportion of respondents cannot assess this claim. There is a general awareness
of the increase in natural disasters at the global level and less personal and spatial vulnerability
to the risk of natural disasters. Less
prirodne katastrofe
društveni fenomen
rano upozorenje
prirodna i društvena ranjivost
društvena solidarnost
Keywords (english)
natural disasters
social phenomenon
early warning
natural and social vulnerability
social solidarity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:759028
Study programme Title: Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-09-21 08:48:01