Abstract | Ovaj rad podijeljen je na dva dijela, kvantitativni i kvalitativni. U kvantitativnom dijelu, zanimala su nas mišljenja mladih grada Splita o važnosti i načinu održavanja tjelesnog izgleda i fizičkog zdravlja, praćenje fitnes influencera i profila na Instagramu, korištenje online vježbi i planova prehrane Instagram fitnes influencera te mišljenja o istima kao i prednosti i nedostaci Instagram fitnesa. Koristili smo anketu s upitnikom kao instrumentom. U drugom kvalitativnom dijelu, fokus je bio na Instagram fitnes influencerima, odnosno njihovoj ulozi u održavanju zdravog načina života i izgleda, kao i na njihovim stavovima i percepcijama o influencerima i fitnes influencingu. Koristili smo polustrukturirani intervju s Instagram fitnes influencericama.
U kvantitativnom dijelu rada, sudionici procjenjuju veću važnost fizičkog zdravlja naspram tjelesnog izgleda, a najčešće ih održavaju izbjegavanjem duhana, zdravom prehranom te izbjegavaju estetske zahvate. Malo više od trećine sudionika prati fitnes influencere, dok mali broj sudionika koristi online planove prehrane i treninga. Smatraju da Instagram fitnes influenceri pružaju inspiraciju, motivaciju, pomoć/edukaciju te promociju, te isto tako ističu negativna mišljenja poput stvaranja slike „idealnog“, fokusa na zaradu i sponzorstvo te nekompetentnost influencera. Od pet postavljenih hipoteza, tri smo potvrdili.
U kvalitativnom dijelu rada, analiza intervjua provedenih s pet Instagram fitnes influencerica ukazala je kako fitnes influencerice svoju ulogu vide u pomoći, motivaciji, podršci te prijenosu znanja o svijetu fitnesa. Bave se fitnes influencingom u periodu od 2016. godine do danas s ciljem pružanja pomoći drugima. Kao prednosti fitnes influencinga navode slobodu planiranja i komunikacije, dok su nedostaci zanemarivi. Definiraju influencere kao utjecajne osobe u određenom području zanimanja koji trebaju biti pozitivni, iskreni te otvorenog uma, te da nebi trebali promicati krive vrijednosti i stavljati fokus na izgled.
Usporedbom rezultata anketnog istraživanja i analize intervjua, koncepti pratitelja i korisnika online programa vježbi i planova prehrane Instagram fitnes influencera, kao i koncept mišljenja o fitnes influencerima i Instagram fitnesu uspoređeni su i međusobno se potvrđuju. |
Abstract (english) | This study is divided into two parts, quantitative and qualitative. In the quantitative part, we were interested in the opinions of young people in the city of Split on the importance and manner of maintaining physical appearance and physical health, monitoring fitness influencers and Instagram profiles, using online exercises and diet plans Instagram fitness influencers and opinions about them, as well as advantages and disadvantages of Instagram fitness . We used the survey with the questionnaire as an instrument. In the second qualitative part, the focus was on Instagram fitness influencers, their role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and appearance, as well as on their attitudes and perceptions about influencers and fitness influencing. We used a semi-structured interview with Instagram fitness influencers.
In the quantitative part of the study, participants assess the greater importance of physical health versus physical appearance, and most often maintain them by avoiding tobacco, a healthy diet and avoiding aesthetic procedures. Slightly more than a third of participants follow fitness influencers, while a small number of participants use online diet and training plans. They believe that Instagram fitness influencers provide inspiration, motivation, help/education and promotion, and also point out negative opinions such as creating an image of the „ideal“, focus on earnings and sponsorship, and the incompetence of influencers. Of the five hypotheses set, we confirmed three.
In the qualitative part of the paper, the analysis of interviews conducted with five Instagram fitness influencers showed that fitness influencers see their role in helping, motivating, supporting and transferring knowledge about the world of fitness. They have been practicing fitness influencing in the period from 2016 until today with the aim of helping others. They cite the freedom of planning and communication as advantages of fitness influencing, while the disadvantages are negligible. They define influencers as influential people in a particular field of interest who should be positive, honest and open-minded, and that they should not promote wrong values and focus on looks.
By comparing the results of survey research and interview analysis, the concepts of followers and users of online exercise programs and diet plans of Instagram fitness influencers, as |