Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati knjiţevnousmenu tradiciju i kulturni identitet kliškog
kraja temeljen na usmenim predajama mještana. Naglasak je stavljen na proučavanje ljudske
kulture, običaja, te na razumijevanje društvenih dinamika i interakcija meĎu ljudima u ovim
krajevima. Proučavana je društvena struktura i organizacija ovog mjesta, analizirani su
kulturni običaji, tradicije, religijska vjerovanja i vrijednosti koje su prisutne te njihov utjecaj
na svakodnevni ţivot i meĎuljudske odnose. Ispitivano je kako su ljudi prije preţivljavali u
ovom ruralnom kraju te kako se primjerice: poljoprivreda, stočarstvo i zanati odraţavaju na
društvene strukture.
TakoĎer, teţilo se povezati praktični dio rada s različitim primjerima iz stručne
literature. U radu se spominju predaje poput mitskim, demonoloških, povijesnih i etioloških,
pa ima riječi o susretima s fantastičnim bićima poput vila, vještica, vukodlaka i sl. Susrete s
ovakvim bićima, te predaje o crkveno-pučkoj baštini ovog mjesta pripovijeda pet mještana
koji su proveli cijeli ţivot u Brštanovu i čije se odrastanje temelji na ovim predajama. Neki
od najvaţnijih blagdana poput Došašća, sv. Nikole, Korizme, Boţića i Velike Gospe detaljno
su opisani te ukratko usporeĎeni sa urbaniziranim običajima današnjice. Na samome kraju
rada izloţene su karakteristike nekadašnjeg ţivota poput odlazaka na sijelo, zanimanja kojima
su se mještani bavili, načina odijevanja te provoĎenja slobodnog vremena. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this thesis was to present the literary-oral tradition and cultural identity of
the Klis region based on the oral traditions of the locals. Emphasis is placed on the study of
human culture, customs, and understanding of social dynamics and interactions between
people in these regions. The social structure and organization of this place was studied, the
cultural customs, traditions, religious beliefs and values that are present and their influence
on everyday life and interpersonal relations were analyzed. It was examined how people used
to survive in this rural area and how, for example, agriculture, animal husbandry and crafts
are reflected in social structures.
Also, there was an effort to connect the practical part of the work with different
examples from professional literature. The work mentions traditions such as mythical,
demonological, historical and etiological, so there are stories about encounters with fantastic
creatures such as fairies, witches, werewolves, etc. Encounters with such creatures, as well as
traditions about the church and folk heritage of this place are told by five locals who spent
their whole lives in Brštanovo and whose upbringing is based on these traditions. Some of the
most important holidays such as Advent, St. Nicholas, Lent, Christmas and Assumption are
described in detail and briefly compared with the urbanized customs of today. At the very end
of the work, the characteristics of the former life are exposed, such as going to the
countryside, the occupations that the locals were engaged in, the way they dressed and how
they spent their free time. |