Abstract | U radu se nastojao što vjernije prikazati jezik mladih na društvenim mrežama. Pojavom računalne tehnologije, odnosno dolaskom interneta mnogo se toga promijenilo. Prije svega, počela je izostajati interpersonalna komunikacija, odnosno komunikacija licem u lice. Dakle, ljudi su sve češće počeli upotrebljavati internet i društvene mreže te su međusobno komunicirali online. Samim tim društvene su mreže postale najpopularniji komunikacijski fenomen. Mladi su društvena grupa koja se nalazi na prijelazu između djece i odraslih. Budući da su neprestano okruženi novim medijima, odnosno mobilnim telefonima, računalima, televizorom i multimedijom, oni pripadaju "digitalnim urođenicima". Mladi najčešće upotrebljavaju WhatsApp, Instagram i Facebook te su to ujedno i društvene platforme na kojima se na jednostavan način može uspostaviti komunikacija. U ovom radu naglasak je na pisanoj komunikaciji koja je asinkrona jer postoji vremenski odmak od pisanja teksta do njegova primanja. S druge strane, komunikacija na društvenim mrežama uglavnom je pisana, ali često se odvija sinkrono, tj. u stvarnom vremenu jer takva komunikacija ima brojne značajke govorenog diskursa. Riječ o pisanom govoru, odnosno otipkanim razgovorima koje osobe napišu na isti način na koji bi ih izrekle u danom trenutku. Dolaskom interneta, javlja se i internetski žargon (Netspeak) čija su obilježja upotreba skraćenica, anglizama, žargonizama, neologizama, online-neologizama, emotikona, tj. smajlića. Isto tako, ne pazi se na pravopisnu normu, česte su elipse, dolazi do ponavljanja glasova kako bi se nešto naglasilo i sl. Mladi konstruiraju i nove identiteti. Jednostavno rečeno, identitet je ono što smo. Sam jezik nosi identitet jer se u njem, jeziku, mogu prepoznati rod, dob, podrijetlo, ali i status koji neka osoba ima u određenoj zajednici. Jezik mladih, ustvari, predstavlja mrežu identiteta, a mladi odlučuju koji će identitet iskazati, ovisno o situaciji. Dakle, zasigurno nemaju isti identitet u razgovoru s profesorima ili roditeljima i s vršnjacima. Na društvenim mrežama, odnosno u virtualnom prostoru, često će prikazivati život onakav kakav i nije u stvarnosti, stvarajući, pritom, online- identitete i pokazujući samo pozitivne situacije iz svog života, nekad i lažne. Analizirajući i prikazujući primjere komunikacije na WhatsAppu, Instagramu i Facebooku, može se uočiti da mladi upotrebljavaju mnogo anglizama, skraćenica, engleskih skraćenica, neologizama, online-neologizama, vulgarizama, žargonizama, kolokvijalizama, dijalektizama, emotikona.Mladi ne paze na pravopisnu normu (pisanje velikog i malog početnog slova), česte su elipse, zbog brzog pisanja dolazi i do pogrešno napisanih riječi, čestih ponavljanja glasova kako bi se naglasila određena riječ i sl. Anketa na kraju rada sadrži pitanja otvorenog tipa s ciljem da mladi odgovore točno onako kako inače pišu na društvenim mrežama. Anketa je potvrdila sve teorijske pretpostavke. Prema odgovorima iz ankete, mladi su, također, i sami svjesni svog načina pisanja na društvenim mrežama te priznaju da su dosta brzi u komuniciranju, ali zato pravopisno i gramatički netočni, dok su njihovi roditelji sporiji, ali pravopisno i gramatički točni(ji). |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this paper is to present the language of young people on social networks as faithfully as possible. With the advent of computer technology, i.e. the arrival of the Internet, a lot has changed. First of all, interpersonal communication, i.e. face-to-face communication, began to be absent. Therefore, people began to use the Internet and social networks more and more often and began to communicate with each other that way, that is, online. Therefore, social networks have become the most popular communication phenomenon. Young people are a social group at the transition between children and adults. Since they are constantly surrounded by new media, i.e. mobile phones, computers, television and multimedia, they belong to "digital natives". Young people most often use WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, and these are also social platforms on which communication can be established in a simple way. In this paper, the emphasis is on written communication, and it is realized through writing and takes place asynchronously, because there is a time lag between writing the text and receiving it. On the other hand, communication on social networks is mostly written, but often takes place synchronously, i.e. in real time, because such communication has numerous peculiarities of spoken discourse. This is the word about written speech, that is, typed conversations that people write in the same way they would say them at a given moment. With the arrival of the Internet, Internet jargon also appeared, called Netspeak in English, the characteristics of which are the use of abbreviations, anglicisms, jargonisms, neologisms, online neologisms, emoticons, i.e. smileys. In the same way, the spelling norm is not followed, ellipses are frequent, voices are repeated to emphasize something, etc. When portraying young people, it is inevitable to mention the identities they can build. Simply put, identity is who we are. The language itself carries identity because it can be used to recognize gender, age, origin, but also the status that a person has in a certain community. It can be said that the youth language, in fact, represents a network of identities, and young people decide which identity they will demonstrate depending on the situation. Therefore, they certainly do not express the same identity when talking with teachers or parents and with peers. On social networks, i.e. in virtual space, they will often show life as it is not in reality, creating, in the process, online identities and bringing only positive situations from life or even fake ones. Analysing and showing examples from WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, it can be seen that young people use a lot of English words, abbreviations, English abbreviations, neologisms, online neologisms, vulgarisms, jargonisms, colloquialisms, dialecticisms, emoticons, they do not pay attention to the spelling norm, writing capital and small initial letters, there are frequent ellipses, because of fast writing there are also misspelled words, they often repeat sounds to emphasize a certain word, etc. The survey at the end of the paper contains open-ended questions so that young people can answer exactly as they write on social networks. The survey confirmed everything that was previously theoretically stated. According to the answers from the survey, young people are also aware of their way of writing on social networks and admit that they are quite fast in communicating, but that's why their spelling and grammar are incorrect, while their parents are slow, but their spelling and grammar are correct. |