Abstract | Glavni razlozi pojave romanike u Hrvatskoj su uvođenje feudalne vlasti i dolazak benediktinaca na Jadran. U ranoj romanici masa postaje puno kompaktnija u odnosu na ranije građevine, čija je unutrašnjost puna autonomnih prostora. Krajem 6. st. u Dalmaciji prestaje uporaba kapitela, koji se opet pojavljuju u 11. st., što čini jednu od razlika između predromanike i romanike. U romanici opet oživljavaju trobrodne bazilike s kolonadama. Prve bazilike iz 11. st. vežu se uz redovničke samostane. Kao uvod u romaniku prvo se spominje crkva sv. Nediljice koja potječe iz kasne predromanike i nije sačuvana do danas. U Zadru je najpoznatiji primjer trobrodne bazilike iz 11. st. crkva sv. Marije Velike, koja je tijekom 16. st. porušena zbog proširenja gradskih zidina, ali sačuvala je izvorne kolonade s kapitelima. U 11. se stoljeću u Dalmaciji, osim trobrodnih bazilika, pojavljuju i skromnije građevine prekrivene svodovima, čime se nastavlja tradicija predromanike. Kolonade su u ovim objektima služile kao potpora svodovima ili kupolama. Takvi primjeri su u Zadru crkva sv. Lovre i netom spomenuta crkva sv. Nediljice. Iz romaničkog perioda potječu dalmatinske katedrale i brojni kulturni spomenici koji u velikoj mjeri formiraju identitet grada, što je slučaj i sa Zadrom. Zadarska romanika prednjačila je u odnosu na velika romanička postignuća širom Dalmacije. Zvonik i kapitularna dvorana sv. Marije prvi su hrvatski primjeri zrele romanike, što se očituje kroz skladan odnos plohe i volumena, fino klesane kapitele, pojasnice, friz palmeta i križno rebrasti svod. Crkva sv. Krševana također je važna predstavnica zadarske romanike, koja i danas predstavlja jedan od simbola grada. Sakralna skulptura također je povezana s navedenim arhitektonskim objektima. To su pluteji iz sv. Nediljice i iz sv. Lovre te portali iz sv. Lovre i iz katedrale, u kojoj se nalazi i ciborij prokonzula Grgura. |
Abstract (english) | The main reasons for the appearance of Romanesque in Croatia are the introduction of feudal rule and the arrival of the Benedictines on the Adriatic. In early Romanesque, the mass becomes much more compact compared to earlier buildings, whose interior is full of autonomous spaces. At the end of the 6th century in Dalmatia, the use of capitals ceases, and they appear again in the 11th century, which is one of the differences between pre-Romanesque and Romanesque. Three-nave basilicas with colonnades are revived in Romanesque. The first basilicas from the 11th century are connected to religious monasteries. As an introduction to Romanesque, the church of St. Nediljica, which originates from the late pre-Romanesque period and has not been preserved to this day. In Zadar, the most famous example of a three-nave basilica from the 11th century is the church of St. Mary the Great, which was demolished during the 16th century due to the expansion of the city walls, but preserved the original colonnades with capitals. In the 11th century, in addition to three-nave basilicas, more modest buildings covered with vaults appeared in Dalmatia, continuing the pre-Romanesque tradition. Colonnades in these buildings served as support for vaults or domes. Such examples are in Zadar the church of St. Lawrence and the just mentioned church of St. Sundays. From the Romanesque period, the Dalmatian cathedrals and numerous cultural monuments form the city's identity to a large extent, which is also the case with Zadar. Zadar's Romanesque took the lead in relation to the great Romanesque achievements throughout Dalmatia. Belfry and capitular hall of St. Maria are the first Croatian examples of mature Romanesque, which is evident through the harmonious relationship between surface and volume, finely carved capitals, belts, palmette frieze and cross-ribbed vault. Church of St. Krševan is also an important representative of Zadar's Romanesque architecture, which is still one of the symbols of the city. Sacral sculpture is also associated with the mentioned architectural objects. These are plutei from St. Nediljica and from St. Lawrence and portals from St. Lawrence and from the cathedral, which also houses the ciborium of Proconsul Gregory. |