Abstract | Geopolitičke promjene i politička previranja unutar Europske unije ostavile su traga u
političkom diskursu. Stoga pojam "Europa" postaje sve veći izazov za razumijevanje. Da bi se
mogla definirati nova politička stvarnost, u upotrebu se uvode se i novi pojmovi. Stoga se
metaforički jezik uvodi kao spoznajni modus relevantan za razumijevanje i objašnjenje novih
društvenih i političkih promjena na europskome prostoru jer otjelovljuje mnoge osobine
potrebne za postizanje spoznajne veze između poznatog i nepoznatog. Na taj način su nastali
pojmovi koji se koriste u kategorizaciji nove europske stvarnosti. Osnovna je namjera ovog
doktorskog rada izdvojiti i analizirati novi pojmovnik, tj. metaforički pomak značenja koji se
koristi u opisivanju procesa integracije i proširenja Europske unije te migrantske krize koja se
pojavila na europskom tlu. U uvodu se analiziraju različite škole u proučavanju metafore
(Black 1962, 1993, Richards 1965, Ricoeur 1981, 2003). Postavke kognitivne lingvistike
elaboriraju se na temelju kognitivne teorije Langackera (1987, 1990, 2007) i Crofta i Crusa
(2004). Potom se elaborira teorija konceptualne metafore (Lakoff i Johnson 1980, Lakoff
1987, Goatly 1997, 2007, Fauconnier 1985, 1997, Fauconnier i Turner 2002, Kövecses (1990,
2005, 2010a). Metafore u političkom diskursu proučavaju se u okviru teorije kritičke analize
diskursa (Wodak 1989, 2015, Wodak i Meyer 2001, van Dijk 1988a, 1997, 2001) i one koja
proučava odnose između jezika, moći i ideologije (Musolff 2004, 2012). Analiziraju se
metafore u suvremenom europskom kontekstu (Šarić 2005, 2011, 2014, Škara 2005, 2011,
Cunningham-Parmeter 2011, Biria 2012), što se potkrepljuje obradom istih u četiri javna
medija (Slobodna Dalmacija, 24sata, Guardian, Independent) tijekom 2015. i 2019. godine.
Ovo istraživanje bazira se na analizi različitih metaforičkih izraza vezanih uz koncept
Europske unije i imigracije. Rezultati analize odabranog korpusa pokazuju da se Euroska
unija konceptualizira na različite načine, primjerice kao PROSTOR, ZAJEDNICA, TIJELO,
KUĆA, BRAK ili ZGRADA, dok se imigracija često konceptualizira kao PUTOVANJE,
KRETANJE VODE, INVAZIJA i OBJEKT. Uočene su i razlike u konceptualizaciji Europske
unije i imigracije u hrvatskom i engleskom medijskom diskursu, koje su vidljive u Zaključku.
Primjetna je upotreba novih metafora kojima se definira europska politička stvarnost.
Postavljena hipoteza nalazi uporište u rezultatima analize. Ovaj rad upućuje na potrebu
daljnjeg istraživanja ove tematike koja nije dovoljno istražena, a može značajno doprinijeti
boljem razumijevanju geopolitičkih promjena u prostoru Europske unije. |
Abstract (english) | Geopolitical changes and political turbulances within the European Union have left a
significant trace in political discourse. Therefore, the term ''Europe'' is becoming a bigger
challenge to handle. In order to define the new european political reality, new terms come in
use everyday. So, the metaphorical language is introduced as a cognitive modus relevant for
understanding and explaining new social and political changes within the european reality,
because metaphor embodies a lot of features needed for establishing cognitive relation
between the known and the unknown. So, new terms arise from the categorization of the new
european reality. The primary aim of this Phd thesis is to register and analyze the new
glossary or the metaphorical shift in meaning used to describe the processes of integration and
expansion of the EU and the migration crisis which appeared in Europe. In the introduction,
different schools in studying metaphor are analyzed (Black 1962, 1993, Richards 1965,
Ricoeur 1981, 2003). The theoretical foundations of cognitive linguistics are elaborated on the
basis of cognitive theory of Langacker (1987, 1990, 2007) and Croft and Cruse (2004).
Furthermore, the theory of conceptual metaphor is elaborated in details (Lakoff and Johnson
1980, Lakoff 1987, Goatly 1997, 2007, Fauconnier 1985, 1997, Fauconnier and Turner 2002,
Kövecses 1990, 2005, 2010a). Metaphors in the political discourse are analyzed within the
theory of critical discourse analysis (Wodak 1989, 2015, Wodak and Meyer 2001, van Dijk
1988a, 1997, 2001) and the one that examines the relations between language, power and
ideology (Musolff 2004, 2012). Metaphors used in the contemporary european context are
analyzed (Šarić 2005, 2011, 2014, Škara 2005, 2011, Cunningham-Parmeter 2011, Biria
2012) within four different public media (Slobodna Dalmacija, 24sata, Guardian,
Independent) during 2015 and 2019. This research is based on the analysis of different
metaphorical expressions related to the concept of Europen Union and the immigration issue.
The results of the chosen corpus show that the European Union is often conceptualized in
while the immigration is often conceptualized as JOURNEY, WATER MOVEMENT,
INVASION and OBJECT. Differences in conceptualization of the European union and
immigration in the croatian and english media discourse have been registered, which can be
found in the Conclusion. The use of new metaphors which define the new european political
realityis relevant. The results of this research confirm the validity of the hypothesis within the
Phd thesis. This dissertation can serve as a solid basis for further research of the topic which
is not elaborated enough, and therefore can contribute to better understanding of geopolitical
changes in the European union. |