Abstract | Omiš, od antike pa nadalje, postupnim pomicanjem sa brdskog na primorski teren, te povijesnom evolucijom od antičkog castelluma Oneuma, preko srednjovjekovnog kastruma do renesansnog utvrđenog graničnog naselja, formirao se u tip malog grada. Oneum je bio smješten u visokim predjelima i dok su mu zaleđe štitile hridine, prednja strana je bila opasana fortifikacijama. Prava veličina naselja i čitav perimetar zidina nisu još utvrđeni, ali vjerojatno je bio izgrađen kao zbijeni tip naselja koje, prema načelima rimskog urbanog planiranja, središnje mjesto pretvara u trg. Na to ukazuju elementi kao što su ostaci carske statue, dijelovi monumentalne kamene plastike i epigrafski spomenici od I-III st. n. e., koji se po namjeni vezuju za javne građevine i prostore. Opća sigurnost i kontrola morskih puteva su oni faktori koji su utjecali i doveli do gustog naseljavanja zone obale, o čemu svjedoči izuzetna brojnost crkvenih građevina. Srednjovjekovni Omiš je urbana jezgra okružena bedemima i kulama. Iako se privredom ne izdvaja od ostalih dalmatinskih gradova, svojim načinom kontrole plovidbe Jadranom ometa ekonomske interese Venecije i razvijenih komuna na istočnoj obali. U omišu kaštel zauzima dominantno mjesto, dok se u podnožju stijena na terenu formiranom riječnim nanosima gradi podgrađe. Najveću ulogu u obrani omiša su imale fortifikacije, koje su branile grad s kopna i kontrolirale plovidbu rijekom Cetinom. Izgrađene su tako da se prilagođavaju terenu te tako postaju manje primjetne neprijateljima. Omiš osim fortifikacija ima također značajnu sakralnu arkitekturu, od koje je najpoznatija crkvica sv. Petra na Priku, župna crkva sv. Mihovila na glavnom trgu, te crkva sv. Duha uz toranj Gradskog sata. Omiš se može podijeliti na gornji i donji dio grada. Gornji dio grada je srednjovjekovnog postanka i njegov prostorni raspored je uvjetovan iskrivljenošću i nagibom terena, a donji dio grada, koji nastaje u renesansnom razdoblju i odaje primjenu planske prostorne sheme. Ta dva dijela dijeli Pjaca, glavna gradska komunikacija koja teče uzdužno u smjeru istok-zapad povezujući i glavna gradska vrata. Već krajem 17. stoljeća, utvrde se prestaju koristiti te se smanjuje njihova strateška uloga. Na mjestu jarka uz gradske bedeme trasira se glavna gradska prometnica sa šetalištem i novim upravnim središtem što preobražava Omiš u grad sa dvije paralelne uzdužne komunikacije. Za potrebe najnovije izgradnje koriste se močvarni tereni na Priku, a drugo osvajanje prostora se odvija na brdskim padinama prema Baučićima. |
Abstract (english) | Since the antique period, the town of Omiš has transformed itself into the small town by moving from the highland to the coastal area and also through the historical evolution from the antique castellum of Oneum through the medieval castrum and into the renaissance fortified town. Oneum was placed in the highland with its hinterland protected by the rocks and fortified face. The real size of that settlement and its walls is yet to be established, but it was probably built according to the Roman urban planning as a compact type of settlement with the square at its centre. The elements such as the remains of the statue of the emperor, the parts of the monumental stone sculpture and epigraphic monuments dated in the 1-3 century A.D. all stand as a proof to that fact. General security and maritime traffic regulations led to the dense population across the coastline as evidenced by the large number of churches. The medieval town of Omiš was the urban core surrounded by the walls and towers. Its economy was similar to that of the towns in that area but its maritime traffic regulations obstructed the economic interests of Venice and the rich communities on the east coast. The castle had its dominant place while the „downtown“ was built at the base of the mountain on the groung made of river deposits. The fortifications had the most important role in the town's defence. They defended Omiš from the land and also controlled the navigation on the river Cetina. They were adjusted to their surroundings thus being less visible to the enemy. Omiš also has significant sacral architecture, the most famous representatives being the small church of St. Peter, parish church of St. Michael situated on the main square and the church of Holly Spirit situated next to the clock tower. Omiš can be divided into the upper and lower town. The upper town is of medieval origin and its formation depended on thecrooked and bended terrain. Thelower town was formed during the renaissance era and it is a good example of a planned layout. The two parts are divided by Piazza, the town's main communication, that flows longitudinally in the east-west, connecting the main city gate. Already in the late 17th century, the fortress was no longer used and it’s reduced their strategic role. Along the city walls trace the main city road with a boardwalk and a new administrative center which transforms Omiš in the city with two parallel longitudinal communication. For the purposes of the newest buildings are used swamp courts at Priko, and space on mountain slopes toward Baučići. |