Title Spoznavanje o životnim uvjetima primjenom praktičnih radova u nižim razredima osnovne škole
Title (english) Cognitions about Life's Conditions by Application of Practical Work in the Lower Grades of Primary School
Author Josipa Jelinčić
Mentor Ivana Restović (mentor)
Committee member Ines Blažević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Restović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mila Bulić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Teacher Education) Split
Defense date and country 2017-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology General Biology
Abstract Sažetak Nastankom Svemira počinju se odvijati brojni procesi među kojima je i oblikovanje planeta Zemlje. Stvaranjem uvjeta za život na Zemlji, postupno se razvijao i živi svijet, biljke, životinje i ljudi. Sunčeva svjetlost i toplina, voda, zrak i tlo abiotički su čimbenici bez kojih život na Zemlji ne bi bio moguć. Svaki od uvjeta života važan je na svoj način, međusobno se dopunjuju i omogućuju odvijanje mnogobrojnih procesa koji su važni za sve žive organizme. Prema Nastavnom planu i
... More programu za osnovnu školu (2006) navedeni uvjeti života predviđeni su za poučavanje u četvrtom razredu. Istraživanje u kojemu je sudjelovalo 66 učenika četvrtih razreda iz pet osnovnih škola otoka Brača provedeno je u veljači, ožujku i travnju 2017. godine. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi koja od nastavnih metoda, metoda razgovora ili metoda praktičnih radova, omogućuje cjelovito spoznavanje nastavnih sadržaja na temu Zrak – uvjet života kao i ispitati zainteresiranost učenika za izvođenje praktičnih radova u nastavi. Kao instrument istraživanja korišten je Nastavni listić s nizom zadataka objektivnoga tipa koji je dvaput ispitivao znanje učenika o zraku, jednom nakon nastave tijekom koje je primijenjena metoda razgovora i drugi put nakon primjene metode praktičnih radova. Uz pomoć Upitnika ispitana je zainteresiranost učenika za izvođenje praktičnih radova. Analizom rezultata Nastavnih listića 1 i 2 pokazalo se da učenici četvrtih razreda cjelovitije spoznaju o nastavnim sadržajima na temu zraka aktivno sudjelujući u izvođenju praktičnih radova. Samostalnim izvođenjem praktičnih radova učenici uočavaju pojave i procese iz svakodnevnoga života i na taj način pripremaju se za život i rad u zajednici u kojoj žive. Analizom dobivenih odgovora Upitnika o zainteresiranosti učenika četvrtih razreda za spoznavanje nastavnoga sadržaja primjenom metode praktičnih radova, pokazalo se da su učenici više motivirani i zainteresirani za iskustveno spoznavanje kada samostalno dolaze do zaključaka i iznose vlastita mišljenja. Metoda praktičnih radova, ako se provodi na pravi način u suvremenoj nastavi usmjerenoj na učenika, omogućuje stvaranje znanja, vještina i navika koje dobivaju pravu vrijednost onda kada ih je moguće primijeniti u neposrednom okruženju pojedinca. Učitelj pravilnom primjenom metode praktičnih radova u metodički i sustavno organiziranoj nastavi, ali i kombinacijom s drugim metodama svakako podiže kakvoću nastavnoga procesa na višu razinu. Umrežavanje različitih nastavnih metoda i oblika rada pridonosi dinamici nastavnoga procesa i cjelovitosti spoznaje kod učenika. Less
Abstract (english) Numerous processes, including the formation of planet Earth, are beginning to take place at the occurrence of the Universe. By creating conditions for life on Earth, the living world, plants, animals and humans are gradually evolving. Sunlight and heat, water, air and soil are abiotic factors essential for life on Earth. Each of these life conditions is important in its own way, complementing each other and allowing other processes that are important to all living organisms. According to
... More the Curriculum (2006), the specified living conditions are foreseen for teaching in the fourth grade of elementary school. A study involving 66 pupils of the fourth grade from the five elementary schools of the island of Brač was conducted from February to April 2017. The aim of this research was to determine which of the teaching methods, methods of conversation or the practice of practical work, enables full cognition of the content Air - condition of life. Also we have examined the interest of students in performing practical work in teaching. As a research instrument, the Instructional leaflet was used with a series of objective-type assignments that twice tested the pupil's knowledge of the air, one after the teaching during which the method of conversation was applied and the second time after using the practical work method. A short Questionnary was used to examine the frequency and manner of conducting practical work in teaching. Analysis of the results of the Instructional leaflet 1 and 2 showed that fourth-grade pupils are better acquainted with teaching content on the subject of air, actively participating in performing practical work. By self-conducting practical work, pupils observe the phenomena and processes of everyday life and thus prepare themselves for life and work in the community in which they live. By analyzing the results of the Questionnaire on the interest of students of the fourth grade for the learning of the content of the subject in the air using practical methods, it turned out that the students are more motivated and interested in learning when they come to conclusions and make their own opinions independently. The practice of practical work, if implemented in the right way in contemporary teaching aimed at students, enables the creation of knowledge, skills and habits that get the right value when they can be applied in the real environment of an individual. By properly applying the methods of practical work in teaching, but also by combining with other methods, the teacher certainly raises the quality of the teaching process to a higher level. Networking of different teaching methods and strategies contributes to the dynamics of the teaching process as well to the pupils knowledge comprehension. Less
uvjeti života
praktični radovi
mlađa školska dob
Keywords (english)
living conditions
practical work
younger school age
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:822423
Study programme Title: Teacher education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-02-26 11:20:11