Author Lucija Kustura
Mentor Ina Reić-Ercegovac (mentor)
Committee member Ina Reić-Ercegovac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bruno Barać (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Koludrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Split
Defense date and country 2019-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Prema podacima Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo svake je godine sve više djece i mladih s dijagnozom poremećaja u ponašanju ili mentalnih bolesti. Poremećaji osobnosti u adolescenciji su danas sve češće u fokusu javnosti, važan su javno- zdravstveni problem jer se problemi reflektiraju i na obitelj i društvo općenito. Posljednjih desetljeća su prisutna važna znanstvena istraživanja u vezi s poremećajem osobnosti kod adolescenata. Adolescencija je razdoblje sazrijevanja kroz koje se dijete
... More priprema za odraslu dob, razdoblje turbulencija, emocionalnih ambivalencija i intenzivnih promjena u fizičkom, psihičkom, emocionalnom, kognitivnom i seksualnom razvoju. Brojni rizici kojima su mlade osobe izložene, mogu ometati normalni prolaz kroz to razdoblje te potaknuti pojavljivanje određenog poremećaja u mentalnom zdravlju adolescenta. Poremećaj osobnosti je stanje kod kojeg ponašanje i doživljavanje odskače od uobičajenog i normalnog ponašanja, nije prilagođeno, ometa normalno funkcioniranje mlade osobe i nije opravdano situacijom u kojoj se ta osoba nalazi. Nastanak poremećaja tumači se kao kombinacija genskih čimbenika i utjecaja okolinskih čimbenika. Rizični okolinski čimbenici u djetinjstvu igraju ključnu ulogu u nastanku i razvitku poremećaja osobnosti. Velika je opreznost u svezi dijagnosticiranja poremećaja osobnosti u adolescenciji jer psihofizički razvoj mlade osobe još nije dovršen, a simptomi određenog poremećaja osobnosti moraju biti prisutni najmanje godinu dana. Razlikujemo nekoliko tipova poremećaja osobnosti koji se prepoznaju po određenim karakteristikama. Poremećaji osobnosti su stanja, ne znače postojanje mentalne bolesti, ali se mogu razvijati u tom pravcu ako se simptomi ne prepoznaju na vrijeme i mlada osoba se ne zaštiti od rizičnih situacija i okoline. Ključna točka u liječenju poremećaja osobnosti jest rano prepoznavanje problema, postavljanje točne dijagnoze i individualni pristup u odabiru metoda liječenja. Psihoterapija je najčešći oblik liječenja pri čemu se najviše koriste kognitivno-bihevioralna psihoterapija, dijalektičko- bihevioralna psihoterapija, psihoanaliza te grupna terapija. Koja će se psihoterapija primijeniti, ovisi o procjeni koja će najbolje odgovarati osobi s određenim poremećajem. U programu zaštite mentalnog zdravlja mladih, koji se donose na nacionalnoj razini, provodi se niz mjera i aktivnosti usmjerenih na promociju i unaprjeđenje mentalnog zdravlja mladih, rano prepoznavanje poteškoća i poremećaja u mentalnom funkcioniranju te rad s djecom i mladima s povećanim rizikom. Pristup je interdisciplinaran, veliku ulogu u opisanim aktivnostima imaju nastavnici i stručni suradnici u odgojnim i obrazovnim ustanovama. Njihova edukacija, savjetovanje i trajno usavršavanje su od velike važnosti. Less
Abstract (english) According to the latest results of Croatian Institute of Public Health, there are more and more children and young adults who are diagnosed with behavioral or mental disorders. Today, personality disorders in adolescence are in the focus, they are important health problem because those problems reflect on families and society in general. Last decades, some important scientific researches on personality disorders in adolescence are present. Adolescence is the period of maturing where the
... More child prepares himself/herself for adulthood; it is the period of turbulence, emotional ambivalences and intensive changes in physical, psychic, emotional, cognitive and sexual development. Numerous risks, to which young people are exposed to, can interfere with normal transition through that period and stimulate occurrence of certain disorder in the mental health of adolescence. Personality disorder is the condition where behavior and experience stand out from habitually and normal behavior; it is not adapted; it interferes with normal functioning of a young adult and it is not justified with the situation where the young person find himself/herself. The cause of disorder is interpreted as the combination of genetic and environmental factors. Risky environmental factors in the childhood take big part in its origin and development of personality disorders. There is a big vigilance in diagnosis of personality disorder in adolescence, because the fact that psychophysical development of a young adult is not finished yet, symptoms of a certain personality disorders must be present for at least one year. We distinguish several types of personality disorders that can be recognized by certain characteristics. Personality disorders are conditions; they are not mental illnesses, but if the symptoms are not recognized on time and the young person does not protect himself/herself from the risky situations and enviornment, peronality disorders can develop in that direction. The key point in the treatment of personality disorders is the early identification of the problem, setting the correct diagnosis and individual approach in choosing of methods of treatment. Psychotherapy is the most common type of treatment, in which cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis and group psychotherapy are most used. Which one will be used, depends on the assessment that best suits the person with personality disorder. In the program of the mental health protection of the youth, that are introduced on the national level, series of measuers and acitivites are pursued and directed towards the promotion and advancement of mental health, early recognition of difficulties and disorders in mental functioning, and work with high-risk children and youth. The approach is interdisciplinary, teachers and professional associates play the key role in those activities in educational institutions. Their education, consultation and permanent specialization are very important. Less
poremećaj osobnosti
mentalno zdravlje
Keywords (english)
personality disorder
mental health
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:657030
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) pedagogije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-09-18 16:50:41