Abstract | Francuska revolucija, poznata i kao prva francuska revolucija koja ju je razlikovala od revolucije u srpnju i Francuske revolucije 1848., bila je razdoblje radikalnih i ponekad nasilnih socijalnih, političkih i kulturnih preokreta koji su se dogodili u Francuskoj između 1789. i 1799. koju historiografija pretpostavlja kao vremensku podjelu između modernog i suvremenog doba. Kroz rad se prikazuje izuzetno složen i artikuliran događaj u različitim fazama, glavne i najneposrednije posljedice među kojima je bilo ukidanje apsolutne monarhije, proglašenje republike eliminacijom ekonomskih i socijalnih osnova Ancien Régimea ili prethodnog političkog i društvenog sustava, smatranih odgovornim za stanje nejednakosti i siromaštvo stanovništva i za donošenje Deklaracije o ljudskim i građanskim pravima, budućem temelju suvremenih ustava. Drugi dio rada govori o ustanku u Vandeji koji se zbio od 1793. do 1796. godine protiv republikanske vlasti za vrijeme Francuske revolucije. Vandeja je oblast na zapadnoj obali Francuske. Tu se dogodila najveća pobuna protiv nove republike. Bio je to najveći građanski rat u Francuskoj toga doba, u kome je ubijeno između 40.000 i 250.000 stanovnika Vandeje.
Tijekom pisanja rada koristila sam hrvatsku i talijansku literaturu među kojom možemo izdvojiti: Francuska revolucija autora Alberta Soboula, Povijest Francuske od Carpentier Jeana, Povijest, kolonijalizam i građanske revolucije kroz koju sam dobila uvid u stanje Francuske revolucije, Velika ilustrirana povijest svijeta autora Gerard Du Ry van Beest Hollea, Povijest svijeta objavljenu od strane National Geographica, Psihologija naroda, gomila, revolucija, od Gustava Le Bona, Breve storia della Rivoluzione francese, Michela Vovellea, La Rivoluzione francese autora Pierra Gaxottea, te Campane a martello od autorice Isabele Rauti, te literaturu na engleskom jeziku: Voices of French Revolution Richarda Cobba. |
Abstract (english) | First part of my thesis is about French Revolution. The French Revolution was a watershed event in modern European history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. During this period, French citizens razed and redesigned their country’s political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system. The upheaval was caused by widespread discontent with the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of King Louis XVI, who met his death by guillotine, as did his wife Marie Antoinette. Although it failed to achieve all of its goals and at times degenerated into a chaotic bloodbath, the French Revolution played a critical role in shaping modern nations by showing the world the power inherent in the will of the people.
The second part is about war in Vandee. The Vendée is a département in western France, located south of the Loire River and on the Atlantic coastline. In 1793 it became the epicentre of the largest counter-revolutionary uprising of the French Revolution. In March 1793 provincial residents, who were never much interested with the Paris-based revolution or its ideas, took up arms against the National Convention. There were many reasons for this uprising but chief among them were rising land taxes, the national government’s attacks on the church, the execution of Louis XVI, the expansion of the revolutionary war and the introduction of conscription. The people of the Vendée would pay a heavy price for their resistance. The government’s response was swift and triggered an internecine war in the region. The fight for control of the Vendée lasted three years and produced violence and mass killing that left the Parisian Terror in its wake. Sorokin suggests a conservative death toll of 58,000 but the real loss of life in the Vendée in 1793-96 may well be closer to 200,000. |