Title (english) Franklin D. Roosvelt's Social and Economic Reforms up to the Second World War (1933-1941)
Author Luka Ursić
Mentor Edi Miloš (mentor)
Committee member Edi Miloš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandar Jakir (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladenko Domazet (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of History) Split
Defense date and country 2019-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Razdoblje između 1929. i 1939. u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama poznato je danas kao „Velika depresija“. To ime označava najveću gospodarsku krizu koja je obuhvatila ne samo SAD, već i cijeli svijet. Uzroci krize su mnogobrojni, od špekulacija dionicama do nespremnosti tržišta za hiperprodukciju, nove tehnologije, novo potrošačko društvo i nove industrije. Vlasti su u to vrijeme također bile nespremne, a sustav Federalnih rezervi nije imao nadzor i kontrolu nad burzom i nad bankama. Banke i trgovci dionicama su se ponašali bezobzirno bez nadzora a akumulacija profita bila im je važniji nego išta drugo pa su pribjegavali špekulacijama, što je bio jedan od ključnih faktora u padu burze 1929. godine. Taj pad je osakatio američku ekonomiju. Kako se Hooverova administracija nije mogla nositi sa krizom, 1933. godine američki narod je izglasao Franklina Delano Roosevelta kao predsjednika. Roosevelt se pokazao kao sposoban službenik tokom dva mandata kao guverner New Yorka, a osvojio je ljubav naroda svojim prvim reformama, pogotovo zaustavljanjem zatvaranja banaka i mirnim objašnjavanjem svojih postupaka narodu preko radija. Danas su njegova obraćanja poznata kao „Razgovori uz vatru“ (Fireside Chats) i poslužila su zbližavanju predsjednika i njegovog naroda. Roosevelt je proveo niz reformi do tad neviđenom brzinom, a te reforme su se zvale New Deal. Ticale su se svakog aspekta života u SAD-u, ali su većinom rezultirale neuspjehom ili tek djelomičnim uspjehom, a karakterizirala ih je kontrola vlade nad gospodarstvom i kontradiktornost. Iako su neke reforme, poput Akta o bankarstvu 1933. godine ili Akta o socijalnoj sigurnosti 1935. godine privremeno pomogle bankovnom sustavu i najsiromašnijim Amerikancima, kriza je opstala. Razina nezaposlenosti nije se drastično promijenila, industrija je stagnirala zajedno sa financijskim sektorom. Kongres je Akt za oporavak nacionalne industrije i Akt za reguliranje poljoprivrede 1936. godine proglasio neustavnima, što je znatno naštetilo New Dealu. Nakon pokušaja oporavka 1938. godine preko novog Akta o reguliranju poljoprivrede i Akta o poštenom radu, New Deal je bio gotov. Na kraju, SAD spasio je iz krize Drugi svjetski rat, čija je potreba za hiperprodukcijom i novim industrijskim branšama pomogla oporavku posrnule ekonomije više nego što je New Deal mogao.
Abstract (english) The period between 1929 and 1939 in the United States of America is known today as “The Great Depression“. That name marks the greatest economic crisis that enveloped not only the United States of America, but the whole world as well. The causes of the crisis are numerous, ranging from stock speculation to the unpreparedness of the market for hyperproduction, new technologies, a new consumerist society and new industries. The authorities at the time were unprepared as well, and the Federal Reserve System did not maintain watch or control over the stock market or the banks. The banks and the stock trading companies were acting heedlessly without oversight, and the accumulation of profit was of utmost importance to them, so they resorted to stock speculation, which was one of the key factors of the 1929 stock market crash which crippled the US economy. As Herbert Hoover’s administration could not counter the effects of the crisis, in 1933 the people voted Franklin Delano Roosevelt into office. Roosevelt proved to be a capable administrator during his two tenures as New York’s governor, and he quickly gained the love of the masses with his first reforms by halting the closure of many banks and by calmly explaining his actions over the radio to his people. His talks are nowadays known as The Fireside Chats, and they have served to bring the president closer to the population. Roosevelt enacted many reforms with unprecedented speed, reforms known as The New Deal. They affected every aspect of life in the USA but were mostly characterized by inefficiency or at least partial success, contradictoriness, and government control or oversight of the economy. Although some reforms, like the Banking Act of 1933 or the Social Security Act of 1935 did indeed help the banking system or the poorest layers of the US society in a short run respectively, the crisis prevailed. The unemployment level did not change, the industry was stagnating along with the financial sector. The Congress then struck down the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act in 1936, declaring them as unconstitutional, which was a serious blow to the New Deal. After other attempts at recovery in 1938, with the new Agricultural Adjustment Act and the Fair Labours Act, the New Deal was dead in its tracks. In the end, the USA were saved by nothing other than World War II, whose need for hyperproduction and new industries helped the country recover faster than the New Deal ever could.
New Deal
Velika depresija
pad burze na Wall Streetu 1929. godine
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
gospodarska kriza
Akt za oporavak nacionalne industrije
Akt o regulaciji poljoprivrede
Akt o bankarstvu
Komisija za vrijednosnice i burzu
Wagnerov akt
Akt o socijalnoj sigurnosti
Keywords (english)
New Deal
Great Depression
Wall Street Crash of 1929
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
economic crisis
National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
Banking Act of 1933
Securities and Exchange Commission
Wagner Act
Social Security Act of 1935
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:538669
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-10-09 09:51:07