Abstract | Rimski državni i društveni aparat protresla je smjena državnoga uređenja. Iz
republikanski uređene države, Cezarovom smrću, Rim je postao Carstvo pod vodstvom mladog
cara Augusta. Stupivši na vlast, August je mudrim djelovanjem na unutarnjoj i
vanjskopolitičkoj sceni osvojio srca puka, ali i uskogrudnog Senata, čime si je osigurao počasne
titule kakve vladajući do tada nisu imali. Njegov, kao i utjecaj njegovih nasljednika na
provinciju Ilirik bio je enorman. Osim što je pokorio ilirska plemena, August i njegovi
nasljednici poticali su rast i razvoj gradova duž cijele provincije. Jedan od tih gradova bila je i
Salona, koja iz ilirsko – grčke trgovačke kolonije postaje glavnim gradom provincije Dalmacije.
Statusom glavnoga grada provincije, Saloni je naznačen ekonomski, politički, urbani, društveni
i kulturni razvoj koji je ona objeručke prihvatila. Zahvaljujući članovima Julijevskoklaudijevske
dinastije, stara jezgra grada – Urbs vetus, doživljava svoj preobražaj.
Unaprjeđenjem prometnica, nadogradnjom bedema i gradskih vrata te izgradnjom kompleksa
foruma s teatrom – urbani razvoj Salone za vrijeme ranog Carstva doživljava svoj vrhunac.
Također, ni kamenoklesarski zanat salonitanskog područja nije ostao zakinut rimskog poticaja.
Referirajući se na grčke primjere i učeni da kreiraju vlastite, lokalni su majstori postigli zavidna
kamenoklesarska postignuća. Od nadgrobnih spomenika, preko portreta, kipova i reljefa
usavršili su rimsku tehniku i stil te su dorasli vještinama rimskih velemajstora. Period ranog
Rimskog Carstva na Salonu je utjecao u mnogočemu, zbog čega je ostavio neobrisivi trag u
povijesti grada koji se ne smije zapostaviti. |
Abstract (english) | The Roman State and its bureaucracy were shaken by the shift of its state organization.
Out of a republican state system, with Caezar's death, Rome adapted an Imperial system under
the leadership of the young Emperor Augustus. Taking over the Roman Rulership, Augustus
took the hearts of the Roman Populus with his wise foreign and domestic policies, just like the
hearts of the narrow-minded Senate, which secured him many honorable titles which no ruler
before him had. His influence, as well the influence of his successors, on the province of Illyria,
was enormous. Apart from subjugating the Illyrian tribes, Augustus and his successors
encouraged the growth and development of cities along the whole province. One of those cities
was Salona, which transformed itself from a Graeco-Illyrian trade colony into the capital of the
province of Dalmatia. With the status of a capital city, Salona flourished and achieved
significant economic, political, urban, social and cultural development, a gift from the Roman
state that she open-handedly accepted. Thanks to the members of the Julian-Claudian dynasty,
the old city core – Urbs Vetus, experienced its metamorphosis. With the improvement of roads,
upgrade of the city walls and gates, and with the construction of a theater and forum complex
– the urban development of Salona during the early Roman Imperial era enters its peak. Also,
the stonemason trade of the Salonitan area didn’t remain deprived of Roman encouragement.
Reflecting on the Greek examples, and learned to create their own, the local stonemasons
reached an enviable stonemasonry achievement. From tombstones, portraits, statues, and
reliefs, they perfected the Roman technique and style and came close to the skills of the Roman
grandmasters. The period of the early Roman Empire influenced Salona in many ways, which
is why the period has left a significant mark in the history of the city, which must not be
neglected. |