Abstract | Rat dviju ruža najpoznatiji je građanski rat u engleskoj srednjovjekovnoj povijesti. Bio je to sukob između dva ogranka engleske kraljevske dinastije Plantagenet; Crvena, lancasterska, i bijela, yorksistička, ruža bile su simboli dviju sukobljenih plemićkih obitelji. Tijekom druge polovice 15. stoljeća u Engleskoj je došlo do teške društvene krize, koja se u ovom slučaju ograničila samo na više društvene slojeve, a koja je bila posljedica dugotrajnih borbi između Engleza i Francuza u sklopu ratnog sukoba poznatijeg kao Stogodišnji rat. Nakon smrti kralja Edvarda III., ostalo je neriješeno pitanje nasljednika engleskog prijestolja, na koje su pravo polagali pripadnici dinastija Lancaster i York. Za vladavine kralja Henrika VI. Lancastera, nesuglasice kraljevskih obitelji poprimile su karakteristike otvorenog sukoba. Lancastere je s prijestolja zbacila dinastija York, 1461. sa svojim predstavnikom kraljem Edvardom IV. Ratovi ruža okončani su dolaskom na vlast Henrika VII. Tudora, lancasterskog potomka koji je ujedinio crvenu i bijelu ružu oženivši se Elizabetom od Yorka, te je osnovao novu dinastiju Tudor što je simbolično označilo kraj ratova i završetak srednjega vijeka u Engleskoj. Unatoč razornim dimenzijama rata kada se govori o ljudskim gubicima, rat je sa sobom donio i val novih, pozitivnih promjena, a započeto je i stvaranje tzv. „nove monarhije“, dok je utjecaj društvenih staleža sveden na minimum. |
Abstract (english) | The War of the Roses is considered to be the most famous civil war in English medieval history. More precisely, it was a conflict between two branches of the English royal dynasty called Plantagenet; The red, Lancaster, and white, York, roses were symbols of two conflicting noble families. During the second half of the 15th century there was a severe social crisis in England, which in this case was limited to higher social class, and which was the result of long struggles between the English and the French, as part of the war known as the Hundred Years' War. After the death of King Edward III, the question of the heir to the English throne, to which members of the Lancaster and York dynasties claimed the right, remained unresolved. During the reign of King Henry VI Lancaster, the disagreements of the royal families took on the characteristics of open conflict. Lancaster dynasty was displaced by the York dynasty, in 1461 with its representative King Edward IV taking the throne. The War of Roses was coming to an end with the rise of Henry VII Tudor, a Lancaster descendant who united the red and white roses by marrying Elizabeth of York, and founded the new Tudor dynasty which symbolically marked the end of the wars and the end of the Middle Ages in England. Despite the devastating dimensions of war when it comes to human losses, the war also brought a wave of new, positive changes, and the creation of the so-called "New monarchy", while the influence of social classes was reduced to a minimum. |