Abstract | Područje Apeninskog poluotoka pruža nam uvid u jednu od najstarijih civilizacija u
Europi. Naime, Etruščani su bili jedan od naroda koji je uvelike utjecao na Rimljane pa tako i
što se tiče pogrebnih rituala i običaja. Samo osnivanje grada Rima možemo zahvaliti prvom
rimskom kralju Romulu kojeg kasnije prati još šest kraljeva s tim da sa zadnjim kraljem
Tarkvinijem Oholim, Rim prestaje biti Kraljevstvo te postaje Republika 509. pr. Kr. Nakon
propasti Republike počinje Rimsko Carstvo 27. pr. Kr. uz prvog rimskog cara Augusta. Tijekom
vladavine zadnjeg rimskog cara Romula Augustula dolazi Odoakar koji ga svrgava, te 476. po.
Kr. pada Zapadno Rimsko Carstvo. Što se tiče glavne točke ovog rada odnosno pogrebnih
rituala i običaja u Rimskom Carstvu postoji više funkcija koje su se obavljale prilikom smrti
pokojnika. Sve počinje s pogrebnom pripremom, a to je ritual koji je za tadašnje stanovnike
Rimskog Carstva imao posebnu važnost. To je važno upravo zbog toga što sprovodi u svim
kulturama omogućuju ljudima da se oproste od svojih najbližih. Nakon što bi se tijelo pokojnika
pripremilo, odnosno opralo u toploj vodi, pomazalo uljima i ukrasilo cvijećem, izložilo bi ga se
u atrij kuće. Poslije kreće pompa odnosno pogrebna procesija uz pratnju glazbenika, narikača i
glumaca koja vodi pokojnika do njegovog vječnog počivališta gdje će se obaviti obred
kremacije ili inhumacije. U to doba postojala su dva načina ukapanja koja su se prakticirala.
Prvi obred je spaljivanje na lomači odnosno kremacija te obred inhumacije. Kremacija se
prakticirala još u 8. – 7. st. pr. Kr., a prevladavala je i za vrijeme Republike. No, negdje oko 1.
i 2. stoljeća nove ere u Rimu, te širom Italije se ustalio obred inhumacije, koji je uvelike
zamijenio dotadašnji proces kremiranja mrtvih. Poslije pogreba bilo je obavezno obaviti ritual
pročišćenja jer se smatralo da mrtvi zagađuju. Što se tiče smrti kod djece, to je bila učestala
pojava u to vrijeme, tako da nije imalo smisla oplakivati svako dijete. Vojnici su upravo zbog
svog zanimanja bili izloženi preranoj smrti, te oni koji su izgubili život u bitci bili bi ukopani
zajedno. Dolaskom Kršćanstva polako je došlo i do promjene u grobnoj arhitekturi te su se rane
zajednice Kršćana i Židova počele ukapati u podzemnim katakombama. Prema Zakoniku
dvanaest ploča zabranjen je ukop unutar grada, te se groblje smješta izvan gradskih zidina.
Rimljanima su grobnice predstavljale vječni dom u kojem će živjeti nakon smrti. Najobičnije
grobnice rimskog svijeta su bile bezoblične rupe u koje su ili bile postavljene posude s pepelom
i spaljenim kostima ili odložen kostur. Sve je ovisilo o materijalnim mogućnostima i tradiciji
obitelji; izgledi grobova i grobnih mjesta su mogli biti vrlo raznoliki, a neke patricijske obitelji
su mogle imati i privatne grobnice. Ustaljena je bila i gradnja mauzoleja, no nju su češće gradile
vladajuće obitelji, te je najbolji primjer za to Augustov mauzolej. Sve dosad rečeno vezano za
pogrebe starih Rimljana može se iščitati iz dva vrijedna sepulkralna reljefa: reljef grobnice
obitelji Haterii te reljef grobnice iz Amiternuma na kojima imamo prikaze pogrebne pripreme
i procesije. |
Abstract (english) | The region of the Apennine Peninsula gives us insight into one of Europe's oldest
civilizations, with it's rich history and culture. The Etruscans were one of the people who greatly
influenced the ancient Romans, including their funeral rituals and customs. The very founding
of the city of Rome, which can be attribute to the first Roman king Romulus, who was later
accompanied by six other kings; with the last king Tarquinius Superbus, Rome ceased to be a
Kingdom and became a Republic in 509 BC. A very turbulent period lead the Republic to its
downfall and gave rise to the Empire in 27 BC. with the first Roman emperor Augustus. The
reign of the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus ended with the germanic Odoacer
overthrewing him, and the Western Roman Empire officially fell in 476 AD. As for the main
talking points of this work, the funeral rituals and customs in the Roman Empire, we have to
examine several different functions that were performed at the time of the death of the deceased.
It all begins with funeral preparation, a ritual that was of particular importance to the inhabitants
of the Roman Empire. The importance of funerals in all cultures comes from the human need
to be able to say goodbye to their loved ones. After the body of the deceased was prepared, that
is, washed in warm water, anointed with oils and decorated with flowers, it would be exposed
in the atrium of the house. Afterwards, a pomp or funeral procession starts, accompanied by
musicians, mourners and actors, which leads the deceased to his eternal resting place where the
rite of cremation or inhumation will take place. At that time, there were two methods of burial
that were practiced. The first rite is burning on a pyre or so-called cremation. Cremation was
practiced as early as the 8th - 7th century BC and prevailed during the Republic. However,
sometime around the first and second centurie of the new era, the rite of inhumation became
established in Rome and throughout Italy, which largely replaced the previous process of
cremation of the dead. After the funeral, it was obligatory to perform a purification ritual
because it was believed that the dead were polluted. As for deaths of the children, it was such
a common occurrence at the time that it made no sense for many to mourn the death of every
newborn. And for the soldiers, who were precisely because of their occupation exposed to
premature death, and those who would lose their lives in a battle, would be buried together.
With the advent of Christianity, there was a slow change in tomb architecture, and early
communities of Christians and Jews began to be buried in underground catacombs. According
to the Code of Twelve Plates, burial within the city is prohibited and the cemetery is located
outside the city walls. To the Romans, tombs were an eternal home in which they lived after
death. The most common tombs of the Roman world were shapeless holes in which either
vessels with ashes and burnt bones or a skeleton were placed. It all depended on the material
possibilities and tradition of the family, the appearance of graves and grave sites could vary and
some patrician families could even have private graves. The constructions of the mausoleums
was also established, but it was more often built by the ruling families; with the best example
of this being the mausoleum of Augustus. All this information related to the burials of the
ancient Romans can be read from two valuable sepulchral reliefs: the relief of the tomb of the
Haterii family and the relief of the tomb from Amiternum on which we have depictions of
funeral preparations and processions. |