Vuković, M. (2021). VOJNI SUD OBLASTI OSMOG KORPUSA NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKE VOJSKE JUGOSLAVIJE (Master's thesis). Split: University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Retrieved from
Vuković, Magdalena. "VOJNI SUD OBLASTI OSMOG KORPUSA NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKE VOJSKE JUGOSLAVIJE." Master's thesis, University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021.
Vuković, Magdalena. "VOJNI SUD OBLASTI OSMOG KORPUSA NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKE VOJSKE JUGOSLAVIJE." Master's thesis, University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021.
Vuković, M. (2021). 'VOJNI SUD OBLASTI OSMOG KORPUSA NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKE VOJSKE JUGOSLAVIJE', Master's thesis, University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, accessed 12 March 2025,
Vuković M. VOJNI SUD OBLASTI OSMOG KORPUSA NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKE VOJSKE JUGOSLAVIJE [Master's thesis]. Split: University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2021 [cited 2025 March 12] Available at:
M. Vuković, "VOJNI SUD OBLASTI OSMOG KORPUSA NARODNOOSLOBODILAČKE VOJSKE JUGOSLAVIJE", Master's thesis, University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Split, 2021. Available at: