Abstract | Pod utjecajem raznih društvenih promjena poput urbanizacije, industrijalizacije, feminističkih pokreta, borbi za prava i slobode žena i sl. došlo je do promjene u strukturama društva pa tako i do promjena u obitelji i braku. U suvremenom društvu sve je aktualnije kasnije stupanje u brak, a tradicionalnu patrijarhalnu obitelj sve više mijenjaju alternativni oblici poput izvanbračnih zajednica i jedno roditeljskih obitelji. Također, brak je donedavno smatran jedinom osnovom obitelji no sve više ustupa mjesto neformalnim životnim zajednicama.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati što studenti Sveučilišta u Splitu misle o obitelji, braku i kohabitaciji. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 200 sudionika sa deset fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako sudionici smatraju da je obitelj i dalje temeljna društvena zajednica, no da gubi svoju tradicionalnu ulogu u suvremenom društvu. Također, više od polovice sudionika planira sklopiti brak i imati djecu u budućnosti što ukazuje da mladi još uvijek njeguju brak i obitelj. Međutim, podaci istraživanja pokazuju i kako kohabitacija kao alternativni oblik braku postaje sve popularniji te sudionici ne smatraju takav način života grešnim, smatraju da je to stabilna zajednica te da je posebno poželjna kao provjera kompatibilnosti među partnerima. |
Abstract (english) | Under the influence of various social changes, such as urbanization, industrialization, feminist movements, the struggle for women's rights and freedom, etc., there appeared changes in the structures of society, including changes in the family and marriage. In modern society, later marriage is becoming more and more relevant, and the traditional patriarchal family is increasingly being replaced by alternative forms such as extramarital unions and single-parent families. Also, until recently, marriage was considered the only basis of the family, but it is increasingly giving way to informal life communities.
The aim of this research was to examine what students of the University of Split think about family, marriage and cohabitation. The research was conducted on a convenient sample of 200 participants from ten faculties of the University of Split. The results of the research showed that the participants believe that the family is still the fundamental social unit, but that it is losing its traditional role in modern society. Also, more than half of the participants plan to get married and have children in the future, which indicates that young people still cherish marriage and family. However, research data also shows that cohabitation as an alternative form of marriage is becoming more and more popular, and the participants do not consider this way of life sinful, they consider it a stable union and that it is especially desirable as a check of compatibility between partners. |