Abstract | Nakon uspostave komunističke vlasti na području Slavonije i Srijema zabilježeni su brojni oblici represije i zločina među kojima se ističu križni putevi kroz ovaj prostor iz smjera Bleiburga. Pod novom vlašću dolazi do odluka o uklanjanju „okupatora“ i „narodnih neprijatelja“ među koje su spadali ustaše, domobrani, Nijemci, Talijani, Mađari, razni politički neprijatelji, vojnici i civili s ciljem učvršćivanja svoje vlasti na tom prostoru. Oblici represije i zločina koji su se istaknuli jesu konfiskacija imovine, zatvaranje u logore, prisilni rad, razna druga maltretiranja, ali i pojedinačne i masovne likvidacije. Posebnu skupinu koja se istaknula jesu Nijemci i njihova sudbina na području Slavonije i Srijema. U fokusu ovog rada je praćenje razvoja komunističke vlasti na području grada Vinkovaca kroz pregled tijeka probijanja srijemskog fronta, evakuacija Srijema s naglaskom na zauzimanje vinkovačkog područja. Vinkovci bivaju zauzeti od strane partizanskih jedinica 13. travnja 1945. godine. Nakon osvajanja grada, partizanske jedinice odmah su započele s jakom represijom uspostavljati svoju vlast što je započelo unositi nemir i strah među stanovništvom, istovremeno započinje progon Nijemaca. Analizom dokumenata, ponajviše povremenih i mjesečnih izvješća nižih organa vlasti višim, novinskih članaka, ostale stručne literature te pregledom kartona žrtava i upisnika grobišta s prilozima donesen je pregled i tijek represije i zločina koji su izvršeni na području grada Vinkovaca od strane komunističke vlasti nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. |
Abstract (english) | After the establishment of the communist government in the area of Slavonia and Srijem, numerous forms of repression and crimes were recorded, among which the Ways of the Cross through this area from the direction of Bleiburg stand out. Under the new government, decisions were made to remove the "occupiers" and "enemies of the people", which included the Ustashe, Home Guards, Germans, Italians, Hungarians, various political enemies, soldiers and civilians with the aim of consolidating their power in that area. The forms of repression and crimes that stood out are the confiscation of property, imprisonment in camps, forced labor, various other mistreatments, but also individual and mass liquidations. A special group that stood out were the Germans and their fate in the area of Slavonia and Srijem. The focus of this paper is the monitoring of the development of the communist government in the area of the town of Vinkovci through an overview of the breakthrough of the Srijem front, the evacuation of Srijem with an emphasis on the capture of the Vinkovci area. The Partisan forces seized the town of Vinkovci on the 13th of April 1945. After conquering the city the Partisans immediately began to establish their rule with a strong repression which caused unrest and dread among the population, while simultaneously the persecution of the Germans began. From the analysis of the documents, mostly periodic and monthly reports from the lower authorities to the higher authorities, newspaper articles, other professional literature, as well as by reviewing victims' records and cemetery registers with attachments, an overview and course of repression and crimes committed by the Communist government after the Second World War in the area of the town of Vinkovci is presented. |