Abstract | Rat predstavlja veliki problem u društvu, a sociologija rata istražuje uzroke, dinamiku i posljedice ratnih sukoba, kao i društvene, političke i ekonomske faktore koji utječu na ratovanje. Žrtva rata je svaka osoba koja iskusi i osjeti rat tokom svog života. Ipak, postoje mnogi kodeksi i pravila ratovanja kojih bi se trebale držati sve strane koje se nalaze u ratu. U Domovinskom ratu agresori nisu poštivali niti jedan kodeks rata ili pravilo. Mnogo ratnih zločina je počinjeno nad hrvatskim vojnicima i nad hrvatskim civilima. Svoju žrtvu su podnijele i žene silovane za vrijeme rata, a u ovom radu se istraživala njihova reintegracija u društvo nakon preživljene traume.
Pri provedbi istraživanja je korištena kvalitativna metodologija, točnije polustrukturirani intervju te svrhovito (namjerno) uzorkovanje. Zbog osjetljivosti teme, sudjelovale su tri osobe (sudionice). Intervjui su provođeni od kraja lipnja 2024. godine do srpnja 2024. godine.
Analizom prikupljenih podataka zaključile smo da su naše sudionice imale mirne i sređene živote prije samog rata, no kako to obično i biva kada je rat u pitanju, štošta se promijenilo. Trauma koju su preživjele je iznimno teška, no imale su podršku od svojih bliskih ljudi. Neke su se vratile na posao, neke su se odmah umirovile, no njihovoj reintegraciji je najviše doprinijela Udruga Sunčica, nastala njihovim osnutkom. O njihovim iskustvima silovanja nismo razgovarale, s obzirom na težinu same traume. |
Abstract (english) | War is a major problem in society, and the sociology of war investigates the causes, dynamics and consequences of war conflicts, as well as social, political and economic factors that influence warfare. A victim of war is any person who experiences and feels war during his life. However, there are many codes and rules of warfare that should be adhered to by all parties at war. In the Homeland War, the aggressors did not respect any code of war or rule. Many war crimes were committed against Croatian soldiers and Croatian civilians. Women who were raped during the war also made their sacrifice, and in this paper, their reintegration into society after surviving the trauma was investigated.
Qualitative methodology was used during the research, namely a semi-structured interview and purposive (intentional) sampling. Due to the sensitivity of the topic, three people (participants) participated. The interviews were conducted from the end of June 2024 to July 2024.
By analyzing the collected data, we concluded that our participants had peaceful and orderly lives before the war itself, but as it usually happens when it comes to war, a lot has changed. The trauma they survived was extremely difficult, but they had support from their close people. Some returned to work, some retired immediately, but the Sunčica Association, which was created by their foundation, contributed the most to their reintegration. We did not discuss their experiences of rape, given the severity of the trauma itself. |