Abstract | U suvremenom društvu, sve veći naglasak stavlja se na problematiku zagađenja okoliša, ali u tom okviru veliki značaj pridaje se onečišćenju zraka koje predstavlja poseban problem za stanovnike u urbanim područjima (Peternel, Hercog, 2001, 1). Zagađenje zraka odnosi se uvelike na čestice i plinove koji mogu nastati ili putem prirodnih procesa ili kroz izravno ljudsko djelovanje (ponajviše putem industrije) (Tolić, Lampalo, Štajduhar, Popović-Grle, Darapi, Karamarković-Lazarušić, Pavliša, 2023, 50). Unatoč uvođenju različitih zakonskih regulativa, ali i građanskih inicijativa, ova problematika je još itekako prisutna u našem društvu, a posebice na području gradskog kotara Brda u Splitu koje se suočava s takvom vrstom onečišćenja djelovanjem industrijske zone Sjeverne luke. Stoga, u ovom je istraživanju, cilj bio istražiti ekološku svijest građana gradskog kotara Brda te njihovu percepciju ekoloških problema povezanih s industrijskom zonom Sjeverne luke. Rezultati istraživanja ukazali su na visoku ekološku svijest građana, odnosno većina njih je vrlo dobro educirana i informirana o problematici Sjeverne luke, kao i o zagađenju zraka te njegovom utjecaju na zdravstvene probleme. Osim toga, građani naglašavaju važnost žurnog rješavanja problema područja industrijske zone Sjeverne luke, kao i problema zagađenja zraka. Što se tiče uključenosti gradskih vlasti i nadležnih, građani ističu kako oni ne poduzimaju dovoljno kako bi se riješio navedeni ekološki problem, te smatraju kako bi trebali kao ključni akteri preuzeti odgovornost te se više uključiti u rješavanje problema. U konačnici, utvrđeno je kako građani pridaju važnost građanskim inicijativama, međutim, ističe se još veća potreba za angažmanom i aktivizmom kako bi se postigle željene promjene. |
Abstract (english) | In modern society, more and more emphasis is placed on the problem of environmental pollution, but within this framework great importance is attached to air pollution, which represents a special problem for residents in urban areas. Air pollution refers largely to particles and gases that can be created either through natural processes or through direct human action (mostly through industry). Despite the introduction of various legal regulations, as well as civil initiatives, this problem is
still very much present in our society, especially in the area of the city district of Brda in Split, which faces this kind of pollution caused by the activities of the North Port Industrial Zone. Therefore, in this research, the goal was to investigate the environmental awareness of the citizens of the city district of Brda and their perception of environmental problems related to the industrial zone of North Port. The results of the research indicated a high level of environmental awareness among citizens, that is, most of them are very well educated and informed about the problems of the North Port, as well as about air pollution and its impact on health problems. In addition, citizens emphasize the importance of urgently solving the problems of the industrial zone of the North Port, as well as the problem of air pollution. As for the involvement of the city authorities, the citizens point out that they are not doing enough to solve the mentioned environmental problem, and believe that they should take responsibility as key actors and become more involved in solving the problem. Ultimately, it was determined that citizens attach importance to civic initiatives, however, an even greater need for engagement and activism is highlighted in order to achieve the desired changes. |