Abstract | Kompetentnost budućih odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika uvijek je bila važna tema na tržištu rada. U današnje vrijeme, vrijeme globalizacije i brzih društvenih promjena, dolazi do promjena i u odgojno-obrazovnoj praksi. Kako bi se osiguralo da budući nastavnici budu u koraku s tim zahtjevima potrebno je da visokoškolske ustanove i poslodavci surađuju te da se studijski programi i njihovi sadržaji prilagode potrebama tržišta rada. Često studenti, ali i djelatnici u odgojno-obrazovnoj praksi iskazuju nezadovoljstvo formalnim obrazovanjem kada su u pitanju njihove kompetencije potrebne za kvalitetan rad. Stoga je ovaj rad imao za cilj istražiti kako studenti Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu (N=45) procjenjuju svoje stečene kompetencije, točnije kognitivne, emocionalne i pedagoške kompetencije. Naime, studenti su u prosjeku većinom iskazali djelomično zadovoljstvo ili neutralan stav kada su u pitanju njihove kognitivne, pedagoške i emocionalne kompetencije. Također, nisu pokazali visoko zadovoljstvo sa stručnom praksom u sklopu studijskog programa, ali ni visoku razinu sudjelovanja u volontiranju te u programima mobilnosti. Ipak, većina studenata je zadovoljna time što je imalo priliku razvijati kompetencije potrebne za timski rad. Nadalje, pokazalo se da oni studenti koji procjenjuju svoje pedagoške kompetencije višima imaju nižu razinu straha od rada u praksi, kao i oni koji višim procjenjuju vlastite kognitivne kompetencije. Na kraju, nije pronađena statistički značajna povezanost između samoprocjene kognitivnih i emocionalnih kompetencija. |
Abstract (english) | The competence of future teachers has always been an important topic within the labor market. Nowadays, in the time of globalization and rapid social changes, there is an occurrence of multiple changes within the educational practice. To ensure that future teachers can keep up with the requirements caused by these changes, it is necessary for higher education institutions and employers to cooperate and for study programs and their contents to be adapted to the needs of the labor market. Often, students, as well as employees working in the educational practice, express dissatisfaction with the efficiency of formal education when it comes to teaching student teachers the much-needed competencies for high-quality work. Therefore, this paper aimed to investigate how students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split (N = 45) evaluate their acquired competencies, more specifically cognitive, emotional and pedagogical competencies. Namely, on average, students mostly expressed partial satisfaction or a neutral attitude when it comes to their cognitive, pedagogical and emotional competencies. Also, they did not show high satisfaction with the professional practice as part of their study program, but neither did they show a high level of participation in volunteering and the mobility programs. Nevertheless, the majority of students are satisfied with the fact that, during their studies, they had the opportunity to develop the competencies necessary for teamwork. Furthermore, it was shown that those students who rate their pedagogical competencies as higher have a lower level of fear of working in the practice, as do those who rate their own cognitive competencies higher. Finally, no statistically significant correlation was found between self-assessment of cognitive and emotional competencies. |