Title Oficijelne kulturne politike i dinamika alternativne splitske umjetničke scene 1960.-ih
Author Lana Brajković
Mentor Ljiljana Kolešnik (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Kolešnik (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Prijatelj Pavičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dalibor Prančević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Art History) Split
Defense date and country 2016-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Šezdesete godine označavaju burno razdoblje, obilježeno brojnim društvenim i političkim događajima, koji su snažno utjecali i na zbivanja u polju kulture. Pojava i razvoj omladinskih supkultura, te uz njih vezanih novih životnih stilova posljedica su otpora prve generacije mladih ljudi rođene krajem ili nakon Drugog svejtkosg rata racionalnom i tehnokratskom svijetu njihovih roditelja, njihovim društvenim vrijednostima i neuspjehu stvaranja boljega i pravednijega svijeta, koji su doveli do
... More pojave radikalnih socijalnih pokreta i studentskih prosvjeda 1968. godine. Potreba za političkim angažmanom i mijenjanjem svijeta, a pod utjecajem marksizma, maoizma i anarhizma s jedne strane, te popularna kultura vezana uz rock i pop glazbu, afirmacija novih alternativnih načina života i novih oblika duhovnosti (budizam, zen-budizam), postali su okvir omladinske supkulture, globalne protežnosti. Njezina pojava koincidira s značajnim promjenama u jugoslavenskom društvu šezdesetih godina, kojeg – uz ekonomske i društvene reforme – obilježava i žestoka, javna kritika dotadašnjeg razvoja samoupravnog socijalizma. Usko vezana uz djelovanje skupine filozofa markističko-revizionističke orijentacije okupljenih oko časopisa Praxis i Korčulanske ljetne škole, ona je postala rodnim mjestom društvenog nezadovoljstva i studentskih nemira 1968. godine čiji utjecaj nije zaobišao ni umjetnost toga razdoblja. Promjene na likovnoj sceni, obilježene su propitivanjem ideologije visokog modernizma, društvene pozicije i društvene odgovornosti umjetnika, a u konačnici će rezultata pojavom konceptualne umjetnosti i artikulacijom omladinske subkulture kao mjesta otpora i alternative oficjelnoj kulturi i oficijelnim kulturnim politikama. Splitska umjetnička scena šezdesetih ostala je relativno imuna na većinu spomenutih promjena, a kao osnovni razlozi mogu se navesti nedostatak materijalnih sredstava, okoštalost institucionalne infrastrukture, ali i konzrvativizam same sredine. Nasuprot inertnosti likovne scene, nalazi se, međutim, amatersko filmsko stvaralaštvo (Kinoklub Split) čiji iskorak i sklonost prema eksperimnetu ima najveći utjecaj na previranja u omladinskoj kulturi. Tim iskoracima, na tragu pitanja što ih je postavio studentski pokret, može se povezati i uz mekoliko omladinskih časopisa (Vidik, Studentska tribina, Gdje), aktivnosti Kulturno-umjetničkog društva Student i Tribine mladih splitskog Narodnog sveučilišta. U atmosferi stalne borbe za opstanak i u uvjetima rdaikalnih društvenih i političkih promjena, dogodit će se i prvi konceptualni umjetnički čin, akcija Crveni Peristil i osnivanje umjetničke grupe pod istim nazivom, koja ocrtava granice potencijalnog prostor alternativne, omladinske subkulture splitske kulture 60-ih godina. Less
Abstract (english) The nineteen-sixties were a tumultuous time, marked by numerous societal and political developments which radically reconfigured intergenerational relations. The appearance and growth of youth subcultures, and their corresponding lifestyles, arose as a consequence of youth resistance, namely of those born towards the end or shortly after the Second World War, towards the rationalist and technocratic world-view of their parents, and their failure to create a more equal and just world; this
... More led to a rise of radical social movements and student protests in 1968. The need for political engagement and enacting change in the world became the core frame-work of these globe-spanning youth movements, influenced on one side by Marxism, Maoism, and Anarchism, and pop culture, connected to rock and pop music, on the other, as well as an affirmation of alternative lifestyles and new forms of spirituality, such as Buddhism and Zen-Buddhism. Its rise also coincides with a series of equally important changes in 1960's Yugoslav society which is, in addition to economic and societal reforms, marked by scathing public criticism of the development of self-managing socialism thus far. It was tightly bound to the work of Marxist-revisionist-oriented philosophers, gathered around the academic journal Praxis and Korčula Summer School of Philosophy. Praxis’s criticism became the stronghold of student’s objections on the direction the development of Yugoslav political system, which culminated with student unrest in 1968. Societal changes induced changes in the art scene as well, marked by a questioning of high modernist ideology, social positions, and social responsibility of the artist. Their outcome was the appearance of conceptual art and the articulation of youth subculture as alternative to official culture and official cultural politics. The art scene of Split in the 1960's proved itself to be relatively immune to the aforementioned events and the changes which they brought, with the core factors contributing to such developments being the financial neglect of cultural production, outdated institutional infrastructure, and an inherently conservative environment. Amateur artistic
works stood at odds with the internalized official cultural scene, fronted primarily by the actions of Kinoklub Split, whose experimental inclination had the largest effect on the articulation of youth subculture. Alongside of the Kinoklub there are also a several magazines that have to be mentioned (Vidik, Studentska tribina, and Gdje), because of their notable openness towards the critical discussion of social and cultural problems, as well as the activities of the Student art and culture society, and the Public lecture tribune of Split People’s University. Consequently, the first conceptual art movement will arise from these circumstances, tempered in conditions of constant financial struggles and profound changes in the societal and political landscape, under the name of Crveni Peristil; this would further develop into an eponymous art collective, which marked the boundaries of the potential territory available to Split's alternative youth subcultures of the time. Less
filozofija praxis
studentski provjedi
kulturne politike
likovna umjetnost
Keywords (english)
philosophy of praxis
student movement
cultural policies
fine arts
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:561061
Study programme Title: Art History; specializations in: Teacher Education Course: Teacher Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-03-13 14:03:07