Abstract | ProvoĊenje slobodnog vremena u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu najĉešće se odvija unutar izvannastavnih aktivnosti kroz koje uĉenici zadovoljavaju svoje stvaralaĉke i rekreativne potrebe, a posebice stjeĉu kulturu provoĊenja slobodnog vremena. Budući da predstavljaju prostor slobodnog i samostalnog odabira, takve aktivnosti trebaju kvalitetno i kreativno ispuniti uĉenikovo slobodno vrijeme i uvaţavati njegove interese, ţelje i potrebe. TakoĊer, u njima uĉenici zadovoljavaju potrebu za druţenjem i komunikacijom, pobuĊuje se njihova znatiţelja jer stjeĉu nova znanja na zanimljiv i zabavan naĉin. Uĉenici zajedno s voditeljem slobodno odabiru aktivnosti koje ih vesele, pri ĉemu je djelovanje voditelja usmjereno prema organizaciji, poticanju i savjetovanju.
Cilj ovoga rada je ispitati kako školski list moţe biti poticaj za kreativnost u izvannastavnim aktivnostima. Provedena je analiza pet razliĉitih školskih listova iz škola s podruĉja Splita i okolice te je proveden intervju s nastavnicom jedne splitske osnovne škole koja je ujedno i voditeljica novinarske grupe. Rezultati su pokazali da stvaranje školskog lista predstavlja jedinstvenu kreaciju u kojoj uĉenici, osloboĊeni od stereotipa, jednoliĉnosti i ukalupljenog razmišljanja, iskazuju svoju kreativnost. Imaju potpunu slobodu u izraţavanju, organizaciji i ureĊivanju lista, zabavljaju se i druţe te prikazuju ţivot škole na kreativan naĉin, a nastavnica ih u tome vodi, savjetuje i ohrabruje. |
Abstract (english) | Leisure time in the educational system usually takes place within the extracurricular activities through which students meet their creative and recreational needs, in particular acquire the culture of spending free time. Since those activities present free and independent choice, they should be of high-quality and creative in order to fulfill students’ free time and to respect their interests, desires and needs. Also, in these activities students serve their needs of making friends and communicating with other students, enhance their curiosity because they gain knowledge in a curious and interesting manner. Students, along with the Leader of Extracurricular Activities, choose the activities in which they want to participate, and in which the Leader’s job is to organize, encourage and to give advice to the students.
The aim of this paper is to examine how a school newspaper can be an incentive for creativity in extracurricular activities. Analysis of five different school newspapers from schools in Split and its surrounding area was done, and there was an interview with a teacher from one primary school in Split, who is also the leader of the journalistic group. The results showed that starting school newspaper presents a unique creation in which students, free from stereotypes, uniformity and molded thoughts, express their creativity. They have complete freedom in expressing their ideas, organizing and editing newspaper, they are hanging around and socializing with other students. In other words, they are and showing how school life can be creative, whereas the teacher is the leader of the activity, she gives advices and encourages them in their work. |