Title Običaji, virovanja i jezik otoka Lastova
Author Tamara Kovačević
Mentor Marijana Tomelić Ćurlin (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Tomelić Ćurlin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Lozić Knezović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Runjić-Stoilova (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Croatian Language and Literature) Split
Defense date and country 2015-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela: književni i jezični dio. U književnom dijelu navedeni su i opisani običaji i vjerovanja o kojima su prethodno ranije govorili ispitanici. Svaki opis običaja, koji su u radu podijeljeni na svjetovne i crkvene, potvrđen je onim što su ispitanici rekli o istome. Također, i dio u kojem su opisana vjerovanja otočana obrađen je na isti način. U jezičnom dijelu, na osnovi snimljenih govora, istražene su jezične značajke lastovskog dijalekta na fonološkoj, morfološkoj, sintaktičkoj i leksičkoj razini jezika. U dijelu koji se bavi fonološkim karakteristikama obrađeni su samoglasnički, suglasnički i naglasni sustav, dok su u dijelu koji se bavi morfologijom prikazane promjenjive i nepromjenjive vrste riječi te njihove specifičnosti u lastovskom dijalektu. Također, u radu su analizirane još i sintaktičke značajke lastovskog dijalekta, a kroz rječnik manje poznatih riječi prikazan je leksik. Na osnovi analiziranog u jezičnom dijelu može se ustanoviti da lastovski dijalekt pripada čakavskom narječju, ali da su utjecaji štokavskog narječja u pojedinim segmentima vidljivi. Najvjerojatnije, to je posljedica sve češćeg odlaska mladih ljudi na daljnje školovanje gdje se susreću s istim. Također, velik je i utjecaj štokavskog narječja putem medija. Nadalje, na području leksika svakako su vidljivi romanski utjecaji na jezik, odnosno velik je broj talijanizama u lastovskom dijalektu što je posljedica duge talijanske vlasti na otoku.
Budući da su običaji i vjerovanja te jezik nezaobilazni kada je u pitanju očuvanje identiteta i kulture nekoga mjesta, ovim radom prikazana je i njihova međusobna nerazdvojivost. S obzirom na udaljenost otoka, običaji, vjerovanja i jezik zadržali su svoje posebnosti do danas možda lakše nego mjesta bliže kopnu. Međutim, kroz ovaj rad vidljivo je da su s vremenom poneke promjene i utjecaji u sve tri komponente ipak bili neizbježni
Abstract (english) The paper is divided in two parts: the literary and linguistic one. In the literary part customs and beliefs that have been previously discussed by the respondents were stated. Each description of customs, which were divided in this paper into secular and religious type, was confirmed by what the respondents said about the topic. Furthermore, the part describing the beliefs of the islanders was treated in the same way. The linguistic part explored the linguistic features of the Lastovo dialect on the phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical level of language, on the basis of the recorded discourse. In the section dealing with phonological characteristics, vowel, consonant and system of accents were analyzed, while in the part dealing with the morphology variable and invariable parts of speech, along with their specificities in the Lastovo dialect, were shown. Also, this paper analyzes the syntactic features of the Lastovo dialect and with the dictionary of less known words the lexicon is presented. On the basis of what was analyzed in the linguistic part it can be concluded that Lastovo dialect belongs to chakavian dialect, but nevertheless the effects of shtokavian dialect in certain segments are visible. Most likely, this is due to the fact that there are increasing cases of young people leaving for further education where they encounter the same. Moreover, there is a large number of Italian terms present in the Lastovo dialect as a result of the long-lasting Italian rule on the island.
Since customs, beliefs and language are indispensable when it comes to the preservation of the identity and culture of a place, this paper shows even their mutual inseparability. Due to the distance of the island, customs, beliefs and language have retained its uniqueness to this day maybe with much ease than places closer to the mainland. However this paper shows that with time the occasional changes and impacts in all three components were still inevitable.
otok Lastovo
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:209329
Study programme Title: Croatian language and literature; specializations in: Teacher Training, Croatian Cultural Studies Course: Teacher Training Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-06-14 11:41:22