Title Medijske slike tijela: sociološko istraživanje percepcija mladih
Title (english) Body Images in Media:Sociological Research on Youth Perceptions
Author Tina Badrov
Mentor Marija Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Stanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zorana Šuljug Vučica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Split
Defense date and country 2017-05-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Sociological Methodology
Abstract Mediji rekreiraju određenu predodžbu, reprezentiraju objekt, osobu ili proces te konstruiraju novu stvarnost koja može utjecati na izgradnju identiteta i socijalizaciju. Društvo idealizacijom izgleda, njegovanjem kulta tijela i naglašavanjem seksualnosti, sugerira kako privlačan vanjski izgled pridonosi uspješnosti i boljem položaju u društvu. Medijske reprezentacije podupiru te društveno dominantne konstrukcije i postavljaju ih kao poželjan identitet. Potrošačka kultura imasovni mediji su najvažniji posrednici tijela i ideala ljepote. Predmet istraživanja je odnos između medijskih reprezentacija i percepcija studentica o vlastitom tjelesnom izgledu. Istraživački ciljevi ovog rada jesu percepcije i zadovoljstvo tjelesnog izgleda i ljepote kroz prizmu medijskih reprezentacija ideala tjelesnog izgleda. Istraživanje je provedeno kvalitativnom metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua na prigodnom istraživačkom uzorku studentica Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. Idealni tjelesni izgled studenticama predstavlja vitka žena s naglašenim oblinama koja ima simetrično tijelo i lice dok mediji promoviraju fotošopiran prikaz žene koja je podvrgnuta plastičnim operacijama lica i tijela, koja je „vječno mlada“, ekstremno mršava, atraktivna, ženstvena i fit. Medijski ideali 21. stoljeća su, dakle, prema mišljenju sugovornica, nerealan i atraktivan tjelesni izgled žene. Percepcije sugovornica o idealnom licu su najviše pod utjecajem medijskih reprezentacija i društvenih standarda ljepote dok su percepcije o kosi i tijelu u manjoj mjeri pod utjecajem medija. Idealnim tjelesnim izgledom smatraju prirodan tjelesni izgled koji nije podvrgnut estetskim zahvatima, a lice nije našminkano što se razlikuje od medijskih reprezentacija idealnog tjelesnog izgleda koji je nerealan i atraktivan. Iako su nezadovoljne određenim karakteristikama tjelesnog izgleda, sugovornice su zadovoljne svojim tjelesnim izgledom te naglašavaju su kroz pubertet bile dosta nezadovoljnije i podložnije utjecaju medija.
Abstract (english) The media recreate a certain concept, represent the object, person, or process, to construct a new reality that can affect the building of identity and socialization. Society by the idealization of appearance, fostering body gold and emphasizing sexuality, suggests that the appealing appearance exposes the success and the better position in society. Media representations support these socially dominant structures and place them as a desirable identity. Consumer culture and mass media are the most important agents of the body and the ideal of beauty. The subject of research is the relationship between media representations and student perception of their own physical appearance. The research goals of this paper are the perception and satisfaction of physical appearance and beauty through the prism of media representations of the ideal of the physical appearance.The research was conducted by qualitative method of semi-structured interviews on a sample of students of the Faculty of Philosophy in Split. The ideal physical appearance, according to students, is a slim woman with accentuated obliques that has a symmetrical body and face while the media promote a photographed representation of a woman subjected to plastic facial and body operations that is "eternally young", extremely skinny, attractive, feminine and fit. The media ideals of the 21st century are, therefore, in the opinion of the interlocutors, the unrealistic and attractive physical appearance of a woman. The perceptions of the interviewee about the ideal face are most influenced by media representations and social standards of beauty, while perceptions of hair and body are to a lesser extent influenced by the media. Ideal physical appearance is considered to be a natural physical appearance that is not subjected to aesthetic interventions, and the face is without make up what differs from the media representation of ideal physical appearance that is unrealistic and attractive. Although they are dissatisfied with certain characteristics of their physical appearance, the collocutors are satisfied with their physical appearance and emphasize that trought puberty they were fairly dissatisfied and more subjected to influence of the media.
tjelesni izgled
medijska reprezentacija
potrošačka kultura
Keywords (english)
physical appearance
media representation
consumer culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:210085
Study programme Title: Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-06-26 15:17:16