Sažetak | Razdoblje adolescencije od iznimno je velike važnosti za razvoj pojedinca. Period je to na koji
snažno utječu razni unutarnji i vanjski čimbenici. Teorija Ekoloških sustava (Bronfenbrenner,
1979) objašnjava okolne sustave koje utječu na mladog pojedinca, od mikrosustava obitelji i škole,
do makrosustava državnih i zakonodavnih institucija. Adolescent prolazi kroz fizičke,
emocionalne i socijalne promjene. Iste su vidljive u odnosima u obitelji, akademskom uspjehu te
preuzimanju različitih oblika ponašanja među kojima i onih potencijalno ugrožavajućih. U
adolescenciji se mlade osobe okreću novim primarnim figurama, svojim vršnjacima, koji mogu
biti rizičnim, ali i zaštitnim razvojnim čimbenikom. Njegujući zaštitne čimbenike u okolini te
prednosti i jake strane pojedinca, može se doći do Pozitivnog razvoja mladih. Spomenuta teorija
govori koliko je važno ulagati u pojedinca, njegove razvojne prednosti te podržavajuće odnose
kako bi mogao razviti svoje potencijale te, po završetku adolescencije, pozitivnim ishodima
doprinio sebi, obitelji te zajednici u cjelini. Prvi dio rada pruža teorijski uvid u spomenute teorije
i istraživanja o istima. Drugi dio rada prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanja provedenog na
uzorku splitskih srednjoškolaca (N=210). Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li uopće te kakav
je utjecaj vršnjaka u kontekstu pozitivnog razvoja splitskih srednjoškolaca. Korišteni upitnik
ispitivao je pozitivan razvoj mladih operacionaliziran kroz 5C razvojni model te razinu
privrženosti prijateljima. Kada se ispitanom uzorku dodala razina privrženosti prijateljima,
objašnjeno je 43,7% varijance 5C razvojnog modela. Iz spomenutog rezultata može se zaključiti
kako vršnjaci itekako utječu na razvoj adolescenata te je na pojedincu, ali i njegovoj okolini
odabrati koliko će pozitivan taj razvoj biti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The period of adolescence is extremely important for the development of an individual. It is a
period that is strongly influenced by various internal and external factors. Ecological Systems
Theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) explains the surrounding systems that influence a young
individual, from the microsystem of family and school, to the macrosystem of state and legislative
institutions. Adolescents go through physical, emotional and social changes. The same are visible
in family relationships, academic success, and taking on different forms of behavior, including
potentially threatening ones. In adolescence, young people turn to new primary figures, their peers,
who can be a risky, but also a protective developmental factor. Nurturing the protective factors in
the environment and the advantages and strengths of the individual can lead to Positive Youth
Development. The mentioned theory tells how important it is to invest in the individual, his
developmental advantages and supportive relationships so that he can develop his potential and,
by the end of adolescence, contribute positive outcomes to himself, his family and the community.
The first part of the paper provides a theoretical insight into the mentioned theories and research
about them. The second part of the paper presents the results of empirical research conducted on a
sample of Split high school students (N=210). The goal of the research was to examine whether
there is any influence at all and what kind of peer influence there is in the context of the positive
development of Split high school students. The questionnaire used examined the positive
development of young people operationalized through the 5C development model and the level of
attachment to friends. When the level of attachment to friends was added to the examined sample,
43.7% of the variance of the 5C developmental model was explained. From the mentioned result,
it can be concluded that peers really influence the development of adolescents, and it is up to the
individual, as well as his environment, to choose how positive this development will be. |