Sažetak | Mentalno zdravlje stanje je blagostanja u kojem svaki pojedinac ostvaruje vlastiti
potencijal, može se nositi s normalnim životnim stresom, raditi produktivno i plodonosno i
sposoban je dati svoj doprinos zajednici. Kako bi zajednica bila što zdravija, neovisno u kakvoj
god se situaciji našla, potrebno je poraditi na okolini sigurnoj od nasilja, na pozitivnom
obrazovanju, boljim mogućnostima zapošljavanja, radnih uvjeta i općenito na poštivanju
ljudskih prava. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio ispitati stavove studenata Sveučilišta u Splitu o
utjecaju pandemije COVID-19 na njihovo mentalno zdravlje. Sudjelovalo je 466 (N=466)
punoljetnih mladih Splićana s ciljem ispitivanja njihovih mišljenja o tome postoje li razlike u
njihovim osjećajima, socijabilnosti, tjelesnoj aktivnosti i akademskim sposobnostima u dva
razdoblja: prije i tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Podatci su prikupljeni anketom te obrađeni u
SPSS računalnom programu. Pretpostavka je bila da će se različiti (prethodno navedeni) aspekti
života studenata i studentica razlikovati u dva vremenska razdoblja, što dokazuje najveća
distribucija dobivenih rezultata. Komunikacija, akademske sposobnosti i tjelesna aktivnost su
u padu za vrijeme pandemije u usporedbi s vremenom prije. Što se tiče sudionikovih osjećaja
specifično vezanih uz akademske obaveze poput kolokvija i ispita, moglo bi se reći da
prevladava određena vrsta nezadovoljstva prouzrokovana snalaženjem u novonastaloj situaciji
(pandemiji COVID-19). No, po pitanju slaganja s određenim tvrdnjama kao na primjer jesu li
se tijekom pandemije osjećali tužno i potišteno, stresno, uzbuđeno, opušteno i sl., odstupanja u
odgovorima su vrlo mala, te bi se moglo zaključiti da su gotovo razmjerno sve od ponuđenog
osjećali ponekad. Osim toga, za kraj je sudionicima postavljeno pitanje u kojem bi iskazali
vlastite stavove o temi mentalnog zdravlja na području grada Splita, oko čega se u najvećoj
distribuciji sudionika složilo da treba uvesti više tema mentalnog zdravlja u obrazovne
ustanove, uvesti besplatnu pomoć za mlade i da treba više informirati građane Splita o očuvanju
dobrog mentalnog zdravlja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Mental health is a state of well-being in which each individual realizes his own potential,
can cope with normal life stress, work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to
the community. In order for the community to be as healthy as possible, regardless of what
situation it finds itself in, it is necessary to work on an environment safe from violence, on
positive education, better employment opportunities, working conditions and generally on
respect for human rights. The aim of this research was to examine the views of University of
Split students on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their mental health. 466 (N=466)
young adults from Split participated with the aim of examining their opinions on whether there
are differences in their feelings, sociability, physical activity and academic abilities in two
periods: before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data were collected through a survey
and processed in the SPSS computer program. The assumption was that the various (previously
stated) aspects of the lives of male and female students would differ in the two time periods,
which is proven by the largest distribution of the obtained results. Communication, academic
ability, and physical activity are all down during the pandemic compared to before. As for the
participant's feelings specifically related to academic obligations such as colloquiums and
exams, it could be said that a certain type of dissatisfaction prevails caused by coping with a
newly created situation (the COVID-19 pandemic). However, when it comes to agreeing with
certain statements, such as whether they felt sad and depressed, stressed, excited, relaxed, etc.
during the pandemic, the deviations in the answers are very small, and it could be concluded
that they felt almost all of the offered sometimes. In addition, at the end, the participants were
asked a question in which they would express their own views on the topic of mental health in
the city of Split, about which the largest distribution of participants agreed that more mental
health topics should be introduced in educational institutions, free help for young people and
that the citizens of Split should be informed more about preserving good mental health. |