Sažetak | U ovom diplomskom radu istražuju se talijanski polirematski izrazi s onimskom sastavnicom,
oni preuzeti iz biblijskoga teksta, te oni koji su isključivo vezani uz kršćansku vjersku praksu.
Najprije se pokušava odrediti područje frazeologije, grane lingvistike nastale krajem 19.
stoljeća, koja proučava široki spektar kombinacija riječi. Među različitim pojmovima
analiziraju se i opisuju polirematski, odnosno idiomatski izrazi (dva se pojma koriste kao
sinonimi). To su višerječni izrazi figurativnoga i značenja koje se ne može odrediti
zbrajanjem značenja njegovih sastavnica. Navedeni izrazi mogu se nazvati
“frazeologiziranim životom” zbog povijesti i kulture kojima obiluju. Nadalje, razmatraju se
različite perspektive i pristupi definiranju i grupiranju idiomatskih izraza. Također se
proučava onomastika, grana koja proučava vlastita imena i njihova značenja. Uz to, proučava
se povijest Biblije i njezina važnost u kulturi i obrazovanju kršćanske Europe. Potom se
prezentiraju višerječni izrazi preuzeti iz raznih rječnika, popraćeni kontekstom, odnosno
biblijskom epizodom iz koje potječu, te njihovo značenje i upotreba. Na kraju su izrazi
grupirani prema vrsti onima (antroponimi, toponimi i etnici) nakon čega slijede rezultati i
zaključak. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This thesis paper examines Italian polyrhematic expressions that contain an onymic
component, both the ones taken from the biblical text, as well as those only linked to
Christian religious practice. It starts by outlining the field of phraseology, a branch of
linguistics that emerged at the end of the 19th century, which examines a wide range of word
combinations. Among various terms, the polyrhematic, i. e. idiomatic expressions (the two
terms are used interchangeably), are analyzed and described. Namely, they are multiword
expressions with a non-compositional and figurative meaning. Due to the richness of history
and culture they abound with, these expressions can be called “life poured into expressions”.
Furthermore, the paper takes a look at different perspectives and approaches to defining and
grouping of idiomatic expressions. It also explores onomastics, the branch of linguistics that
studies proper names and their meanings. Then, the examines the history of the Bible and its
importance in the culture and education of Christian Europe. Then, the expressions taken
from various dictionaries are presented and accompanied by the context, which is the biblical
episode from which they come from, along with their meaning, but also use. Finally, the
expressions are grouped according to the type of onym (anthroponyms, toponyms and
ethnonyms) they contain, followed by the results and the conclusion. |