Sažetak | This study examined the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and movie genre
preferences among Croatian student respondents. The Big Five traits of 203 participants were
measured as well as their level of enjoyment of eleven different film genres namely: Thriller,
Romance, Western, Comedy, Action, Drama, Science Fiction, Crime, Horror, Fantasy, and
Musical. Other than personality traits, factors as their movie-watching frequency, whether
they identify as movie lovers/enthusiasts or not, their enjoyment of happy and realistic
endings in movies, and their enjoyment of watching movies alone and in the company of
others were considered.
Several significant associations were found between movie genre preferences and the Big
Five. Specifically, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness were positively linked to a
preference for thrillers, while extraversion and agreeableness were associated with a
preference for romance. Comedy enjoyment was positively related to both agreeableness and
conscientiousness, while the preference for drama with the traits of extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. Openness was also positively linked to a
preference for science fiction and fantasy. The enjoyment of Crime was positively associated
with openness and agreeableness. Additionally, preferences for musicals were positively
associated with agreeableness and extraversion. After the correlation analysis, 11 regression
analyses in which additional measures of movie-watching preferences were added.
Our regression analysis showed that the predictor openness showed a significant positive
relationship and the predictor drawn to happy endings a significant negative relationship with
the enjoyment of Thrillers. The predictors of agreeableness and drawn to happy endings both
showed a strong and significant positive relationship with the enjoyment of Romance.
Openness showed a significant negative relationship with the enjoyment of Romance. The
predictor gender showed a significant positive relationship with the enjoyment of Westerns.The predictors drawn to happy endings and agreeableness showed a significant positive
relationship with the enjoyment of Comedy. None of the predictors showed a statistically
significant relationship with the enjoyment of Action. The predictor drawn to realistic
endings showed a positive relationship with the enjoyment of Drama. The predictor enjoying
watching alone showed a very strong positive relationship with the enjoyment of Drama.
Movie-watching frequency and drawn to happy endings showed a negative relationship with
the enjoyment of Drama. Openness and Emotional stability showed a positive relationship
with the enjoyment of Science Fiction. The predictors conscientiousness and drawn to
realistic endings showed a significant negative relationship with the enjoyment of Science
Fiction. The predictor movie lover showed a positive relationship with the enjoyment of
Crime and drawn to happy endings a negative relationship with the enjoyment of Crime. The
predictors of gender and movie-watching frequency showed a significant positive relationship
with the enjoyment of Horror. Drawn to happy endings showed a significant negative
relationship with the enjoyment of Horror. Openness showed a significant positive
relationship with the enjoyment of Fantasy. Drawn to realistic endings showed a significant
negative relationship with the enjoyment of Fantasy. Drawn to happy endings showed a
strong significant positive relationship with the enjoyment of Musicals. The predictor
extraversion showed a significant positive relationship with the enjoyment of musicals. The
predictors of emotional stability and conscientiousness showed a significant negative
relationship with the enjoyment of Musicals. Thus, these findings contribute to the
understanding of how personality differences affect media choice. The practical implications
of these findings can be useful to content creators, marketers, and recommendation systems
about tailoring movie recommendations to users’ personalities to enhance viewer satisfaction
and engagement. |