Sažetak | Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati važnost usmene epike unutar koje se isprepleću fikcija i
fakcija. Rad započinje kratkim objašnjenjem usmene književnosti, fakcije i fikcije, nakon čega
slijede poglavlja o novelama, bajkama i basnama. Velika važnost pridaje se predajama koje su
veoma važne za usmenu književnost pa se tako navode vrste predaja. Prvo se spominju
povijesne predaje koje govore o hrvatskim vladarima, osmanskoj okupaciji i njihovim
zločinima prema narodu, ali se usput navodi i pojava hajduka i uskoka, njihovih junaka i vođa
koji su se borili protiv Osmanlija. Poglavlje povijesne predaje završava legendarnim
oslobađanjima od Osmanlija među kojima se ističe znamenito oslobađanje Sinja uz pomoć
Gospe Sinjske. U narednim poglavljima navode se preostale vrste predaja poput etioloških,
mitskih, demonoloških i eshatoloških koje su ispunjene natprirodnim elementima, a neke od
njih bile su izrazito popularne u narodu, ponajviše mitske i demonološke. Na samom kraju
imamo legende koje govore o životima i čudima svetaca u čiju istinitost nitko ne sumnja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this paper is to present the importance of oral epic literature, within which
fiction and faction intertwine. The paper begins with a brief explanation of oral literature,
faction and fiction, followed by chapters on novellas, fairy tales, and fables. A great emphasis
is placed on tales, which are very important for oral literature, and various types of tales are
discussed. Historical tales which talk about Croatian rulers, the Ottoman occupation, and their
crimes against the people, the appearance of hajduks and uskoks, their heroes and leaders who
fought against the Ottomans are mentioned first. The chapter on historical tales concludes with
the legendary liberations from the Ottomans, with the legendary liberation of Sinj, aided by
Our Lady of Sinj, standing out. In the following chapters, the remaining types of traditions are
mentioned, such as etiological, mythical, demonological, and eschatological, which are filled
with supernatural elements. Some of these were particularly popular among the people,
especially the mythical and demonological ones. At the very end, we find legends telling of
saints' lives and miracles, in whose authenticity no one doubts. |