Sažetak | U ovom završnom radu, fokus je na različite definicije, oblike, znakove i posljedice zlostavljanja djece u obitelji te ulogu škole, pedagoga i nastavnika u prepoznavanju i prevenciji zlostavljanja djece u obitelji. Razlikujemo četiri vrste zlostavljanja djece: fizičko, emocionalno i seksualno zlostavljanje te zanemarivanje djece. Posebna pozornost se u radu daje problemu emocionalnog zlostavljanja djece u obitelji. Emocionalni razvoj djece se često zanemaruje ne samo u obitelji, već i u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. U brojnim situacijama se emocionalno zlostavljanje se ne smatra podjednako traumatičnim i ozbiljnim kao što su drugi oblici zlostavljanja poput fizičkog zlostavljanja, a teže ga je prepoznati zbog nedostatka fizičkih ozlijeda. Aspekt emocionalnog zlostavljanja postoji u svim oblicima zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja djece, a njegove brojne posljedice uključuju negativan utjecaj na kognitivni razvoj djeteta i njegovo mentalno zdravlje (stres, anksioznost, depresija), deficit emocionalne regulacije, poteškoće u učenju i nedostatak socijalnih vještina. Škola treba biti mjesto u kojem se djeca osjećaju sigurno i mogu potražiti pomoć u suočavanju s ovakvim posljedicama traumatičnog iskustva. Pedagozi imaju ključnu ulogu u očuvanju dobrobiti učenika, jačanju socijalnih kompetencija učenika, zaštiti njihovih ljudskih prava te edukaciji nastavnika i roditelja o prevalenciji zlostavljanja djece u obitelji i destruktivnim metodama koje roditelji koriste u odgoju. Pedagoškim programima i radionicama se može poticati učenike da potraže pomoć u slučajevima u kojima su žrtve zlostavljanja, odgajati ih tako da nasilna ponašanja odbacuju i smatraju neprihvatljivim od rane dobi te normalizirati razgovor o poteškoćama s kojima se suočavaju u obiteljskom životu. Kako bi se uspješno suočili sa problemom zlostavljanja djece u obitelji, potrebne su sljedeće strategije i metode: preventivne pedagoške strategije (programi i radionice), suradnja pedagoga i roditelja, dodatna pedagoška istraživanja o uzrocima i posljedicama zlostavljačkog ponašanja, fokus na rizične i zaštitne faktore koji utječu na socijalnu intergraciju učenika, promocija mentalnog zdravlja i terapijske tehnike kojima se može pomoći žrtvama zlostavljanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this final paper, the focus is on the definitions, types, symptoms and consequences of child abuse in families, and the role of the school, the pedagogue and teachers in recognizing and preventing it. We can distinguish four types of child abuse: physical, emotional and sexual abuse, and child neglect. In this paper, special attention is given to the prevalence of emotional child abuse in families. The emotional development of children is often neglected not only in families, but also in the educational process. In many cases, emotional abuse is not seen as traumatic and severe as other types of abuse such as physical abuse, and it is more difficult to identify it due to a lack of physical injuries. An aspect of emotional abuse exists in all forms of child abuse and neglect, and its many consequences include a negative impact on the child's cognitive development and mental health (stress, anxiety, depression), emotional regulation deficits, learning difficulties and a lack of social skills. School should be a place where children feel safe and can seek help in dealing with the consequences of the traumatic events they have experienced. Pedagogues have a key role in preserving the well-being of students, strengthening their social competence, protecting their human rights and educating teachers and parents about the prevalence of child abuse in families and the destructive methods parents use in the child's upbringing. Pedagogical programs and workshops can encourage students to seek help in situations where they are victims of abuse, encourage them to reject all forms of violent behavior and view them as unacceptable from an early age, and normalize the conversation about the difficulties that students are often dealing with in their families. In order to successfully deal with the problem of child abuse in families, the following methods and strategies are needed: strategies of pedagogical prevention (programs and workshops), cooperation between pedagogues and parents, additional pedagogical research about the causes and consequences of abusive behavior, a focus on the risk factors and protective factors that influence the social integration of students, mental health promotion and therapeutic techniques that can help victims of abuse. |