Sažetak | Cilj ovog završnog rada je analizirati koja je uloga igre u razvoju djece rane i predškolske dobi odnosno, istražiti na koji način igra utječe na djecu, njihov cjelokupni razvoj i život općenito tijekom ranog i predškolskog razdoblja. S obzirom da ne postoji jedna univerzalna definicija, danas igra objašnjava se raznim terminima kao što su aktivnost, metoda, proces, potreba, način ponašanja ili sredstvo odgoja. Važno je naglasiti kako igra, uz odgojno i terapijsko djelovanje, ima iznimno važnu i pedagošku vrijednost. Unatoč njenoj šarolikosti i multifunkcionalnosti, čemu svjedoče i razne klasifikacije te vrste igara, igra je jedna od temeljnih potreba svakog djeteta. Čini sastavni dio njegova odrastanja te omogućuje djetetu skladan tjelesni, kognitivni, emocionalni i socijalni razvoj. Igra djece rane i predškolske dobi proizlazi iz njihovih unutrašnjih potreba te predstavlja prerađenu stvarnost u skladu s njihovim doživljajima. Tijekom rane i predškolske dobi, dijete se igrajući razvija, izražava, spoznaje sebe i svoju okolinu, zadovoljava svoju povećanu potrebu za druženjem, gradi odnosne s drugima te razvija i unaprjeđuje vještine svih aspekata razvoja. Razvoj, učenje i rad djece rane i predškolske dobi bit će uspješniji ako se odvijaju putem igre ili sadrže elemente igre. Dijete slijedi svoju koncepciju i zamišljeni tijek igre, a sukladno razvoju, njegove igre postaju složenije. Jedno od obilježja igre je i stvaralačko obilježje odnosno, igra ima važnu ulogu u poticanju i razvijanju dječjeg stvaralaštva za što je bitno pružiti priliku djeci da budu autentični, da imaju slobodu stvaranja i izražavanja te slobodu izbora u kontekstu same igre. Igra predstavlja najvažniji posao djece rane i predškolske dobi, a u njemu mu mogu pomoći roditelji i odgajatelji na način da ne upravljaju igrom već da budu ravnopravni sudionici poštujući djetetov integritet. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this final paper is to analyze the role of play in the development of early and preschool children, to explore how the play affects children, their overall development and life in general during the early and preschool period. Since there is no one universal definition, today the term play is explained by various terms such as activity, method, process, need, manner of behavior or medium of education. It is important to emphasize that play, in addition to educational and therapeutic effects, has an extremely important pedagogical value. Despite its diversity and multifunctionality, as evidenced by various classifications and types of play, play is one of the basic needs of every child. It is an integral part of his growing and enables the child to have harmonious physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. The play of early and preschool children arises from their inner needs and represents a processed reality in accordance with their experiences. During early and preschool age, the child develops by playing, expresses himself, gets to know himself and his environment, satisfies his increased need for socializing, builds relationships with others, develops and improves the skills of all aspects of development. The development, learning and work of early and preschool children will be more successful if they take place through play or contain elements of play. The child follows his conception and the imagined course of the play, and as he develops, his play becomes more complex. One of the characteristics of the game is the creative feature, regarding, the game has an important role in encouraging and developing children's creativity, for which it is important to give children the opportunity to be authentic, to have freedom of creation, expression and freedom of choice in the context of the play. Play is the most important job of children of early and preschool age, and it can be helped by parents and educators in a way that they do not manage it but to be equal participants respecting the child's integrity. |