Sažetak | Godine 1789., u Francuskoj je vladao lʼAncien Régime ili stari poredak, koji je
prolazio kroz ekonomsku i društvenu krizu. Društvo je bilo podijeljeno na tri staleža:
svećenstvo, plemstvo i treći stalež, onaj najbrojniji, ali s najmanje osobnih prava. Francuska je
bila apsolutistička monarhija, s kraljem Lujem XVI. na vlasti. Zbog teškog stanja u privredi,
seljaci započinju bune koje su, uz aristokraciju, potaknule kralja da sazove zasjedanje
Generalnih staleža za 5. svibnja 1789. godine. Nakon tjedana zasjedanja nemiri su se nastavili
i povećavali sredinom srpnja postavljanjem trupa oko Pariza i Versaillesa od strane kralja, a
prerastaju u građansku pobunu kada se saznalo za otpuštanje generalnog kontrolora financija
Neckera. Konačni ishod je bio ustanak u Parizu, 14. srpnja, kada pobunjeni građani s ciljem
naoružavanja, provode niz napada na ustanove koje su posjedovale potrebno oružje.
Zauzimaju i Bastille, zloglasni zatvor koji predstavlja kraljevu apsolutnu moć, nakon
dugotrajnog sukoba s braniteljima zatvora. Kralj je nakon pada Bastille udaljio trupe, što
označava kraj njegove vlasti. Zauzimanje Bastille imalo je odjeka u gradovima i selima, gdje
također nastaju pobune protiv lokalnih vlasti. Pad Bastille predstavlja početak Francuske
revolucije, a njeno rušenje predstavlja kraj starog poretka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In 1789, France was under Ancien Régime or the old regime, which was going through
an economic and social crisis. Society was divided in estates: the clergy, the nobility and the
third estate the most numerous but with the fewest personal rights. France was an absolute
monarchy, with King Louis XVI in power. Due to the difficult economic situation, the
peasants began riots, which, along with the aristocracy, prompted the king to convene the
Estates-General on May 5, 1789. After weeks the riots, continued and increased in mid July
when the king deployed troops around Paris and Versailles, became a revolt when the news
about the dismissal of the finance minister Necker became known. The final outcome was an
insurrection in Paris, on July 14, when the uprisen citizens, with the aim of arming
themselves, carried out a series of attacks on institutions that possessed the necessary
weapons. The biggest and most important institution taken, after a long conflict with the
prison's defenders was the Bastille, an infamous prison that represents the king’s absolute
power. After the fall of the Bastille, the king removed the troops, which marks the end of his
rule. The occupation of the Bastille had repercussions in towns and villages, where riots
against local authorities also took place. The fall of the Bastille marks the beginning of the
French revolution, and its demolition marks the end of the old regime. |