Sažetak | Pandemija uzrokovana koronavirusom promijenila je naĉin na koji ljudi komuniciraju i dijele informacije. Mijenjaju se razmišljanja ljudi u skladu s novim okolnostima i osobnim iskustvima. U ovoj disertaciji u okviru kritiĉke analize diskursa analiziraju se razliĉiti uĉinci pandemije na temelju korpusa koji saĉinjavaju ĉlanci ameriĉkih dnevnih novina The New York Timesa, a koji izvještavaju o svjetskoj zdravstvenoj krizi 2020. i 2021. godine. Budući da se u ovakvoj situaciji obiljeţenoj iznenadnom pandemijom jezik ne moţe odvojiti od društvenog, ekonomskog ili politiĉkog konteksta, u radu se koristi interdisciplinarni pristup kritiĉke analize diskursa. Teorijski dio disertacije ukljuĉuje sâm razvoj kritiĉke analize diskursa, razlike izmeĊu diskursa i teksta, vezu izmeĊu diskursa, moći, ideologije i hegemonije, utjecaj globalizacije na jezik, definiciju konteksta te karakteristike medijskog diskursa. Jezik se koristi za informiranje i upozoravanje ĉitatelja o širenju virusa i njegovim uĉincima, ali istovremeno utjeĉe i na kreiranje svijesti o odnosima moći, dominaciji te društvenim nejednakostima. Novinari informiraju ĉitatelje o trenutaĉnoj zdravstvenoj krizi i poduzetim mjerama te socioekonomskim uĉincima krize, što rezultira i velikim promjenama u jeziku. U analizi korpusa koristi se trodimenzijski model Normana Fairclougha u kombinaciji s analizom mikrostruktura i makrostruktura Teuna Van Dijka. Prvi dio istraţivaĉkog dijela rada odnosi se na lingvistiĉku analizu teksta koja ukljuĉuje leksik te se u radu utvrĊuje uĉestalost izraza povezanih s pandemijom uzrokovanom koronavirusom, uz analizu neologizama s obzirom na njihovu tvorbu. Osim leksika, u okviru intertekstualnosti istraţuje se i uloga upravnog i neupravnog govora, analizirajući tri aspekta: naĉin, glagole izvješćivanja i izvore. Kritiĉka analiza diskursa, kao interdisciplinarni pristup, nije usredotoĉena samo na lingvistiĉku analizu teksta, stoga se u radu analiziraju i odnosi moći koji se kanaliziraju putem jezika u okvirima socioekonomskog i politiĉkog konteksta. Na taj se naĉin ţeli postići kritiĉko promišljanje ĉitatelja o utjecaju medijskog jezika na ĉitatelje u kriznim situacijama te ukazati kako novonastala situacija mijenja naĉin izvještavanja u pisanim medijima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The pandemic caused by the coronavirus has changed the way people communicate and share information. People's thinking changes according to new circumstances and personal experiences. In this dissertation, within the framework of critical discourse analysis, the different effects of the pandemic are analyzed based on the corpus of articles from the American daily newspaper, The New York Times, which reports on the global health crisis in 2020 and 2021. Since in such a situation marked by a sudden pandemic, language cannot be separated from the social, economic or political context, the paper uses an interdisciplinary approach of critical discourse analysis. The theoretical part of the dissertation includes the very development of the critical discourse analysis, the differences between discourse and text, the connection between discourse, power, ideology and hegemony, the impact of globalization on language, the definition of context and the characteristics of media discourse. Language is used to inform and warn readers about the spread of the virus and its effects, but at the same time it also affects the creation of awareness about power relations, dominance and social inequalities. Journalists inform readers about the current health crisis and the measures taken, as well as the socioeconomic effects of the crisis, which results in major changes in the language. In the analysis of the corpus, the three-dimensional model of Norman Fairclough is used in combination with the analysis of microstructures and macrostructures of Teun Van Dijk. The first part of the research part of the paper refers to the linguistic analysis of the text, which includes the vocabulary, and the paper determines the frequency of expressions related to the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, along with the analysis of neologisms with regard to their creation. In addition to lexical, the role of direct and indirect speech is also investigated within the framework of intertextuality, where three aspects are analyzed: mode, reporting verbs and sources. Critical discourse analysis, as an interdisciplinary approach, does not focus only on the linguistic analysis of the text, and therefore the paper also analyzes the power relations that are channeled through language within the framework of the socioeconomic and political context. In this way, the aim is to achieve a critical reflection of readers on the impact of the media language on readers in crisis and to point out the way in which the newly created situation changes the way of reporting in the written media. |