Author Ivona Brtan
Mentor Nataša Stojan (mentor)
Mentor Mirjana Semren (komentor)
Committee member Nataša Stojan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Petrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Semren (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of English Language and Literature) Split
Defense date and country 2019, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Anglistics
Abstract This thesis investigates the impact of social media on consumer behaviour in terms of their information processing and decision making process related to their product purchase via social media platforms. The aspects which were examined include consumer attitude towards social media marketing compared to the traditional mass media approach, as well as the factors which trigger and affect their decision making. Consumers’ general attitude and motivation for purchase, along with the power of
... More social media in the marketing approach to consumers, are also integrated in the study. The study also investigated the influence of different social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and forums. These platforms were analyzed as sources of information prior to the purchase and places for experience and opinion exchange with other consumers after the product consumption. Moreover, stages of decision making process, as well as phases of information processing were explained in detail from the psycholinguistic point of view with regard to social media marketing. The study included a total of 150 anonymous adults whose participation was anonymous and voluntary. The findings indicate that Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media among Croatian consumers, who spend several hours per week exposed to various contents available on these platforms. Their response to that content is affected by numerous factors, from the word of mouth in their social circle and other online information available to their personal level of motivation and interest in what is being offered. Finally, the results show that both male and female population are still indecisive in terms of the credibility of social and mass media marketing, as the former is considered very accessible, yet sometimes unprofessional, and latter less demanding and often imprecise in targeting consumer interests and needs. Less
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj rad obrađuje utjecaj društvenih mreža na ponašanje potrošača s fokusom na njihovu obradu informacija te proces odlučivanja prilikom kupovine proizvoda putem društvenih mreža. Istraživanje ispituje stav potrošača prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama u odnosu na tradicionalni pristup masovnih medija, kao i čimbenike koji potiču i utječu na donošenje odluka prilikom kupovine. Opći stav potrošača, motivacija za kupovinom te utjecaj društvenih mreža u marketinškom pristupu potrošačima
... More su također dio istraživanja. Također je analizirana uloga različitih društvenih mreža, uključujući Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn i forume. Istraživala se uloga navedenih platformi kao izvora informacija prije kupovine te mjesta za razmjenu iskustva i mišljenja s ostalim potrošačima nakon uporabe proizvoda. Nadalje, faze procesa odlučivanja, kao i etape procesa obrade informacija, detaljno su ispitane s psiholingvističkog stajališta u odnosu na oglašavanje putem društvenih mreža. Kvantitativni dio istraživanja uključuje ukupno 150 punoljetnih ispitanika čije je sudjelovanje bilo anonimno i dobrovoljno. Rezultati pokazuju da su Facebook i Instagram najpopularnije društvene mreže među hrvatskim potrošačima, koji provode nekoliko sati tjedno izloženi različitim sadržajima dostupnima na navedenim platformama. Na reakciju potrošača na te sadržaje utječu brojni čimbenici, od međusobne razmjene iskustava unutar njihove društvene zajednice i ostalih informacija dostupnih na Internetu, do osobne razine motivacija i interesa za ono što se oglašava. Naposljetku, rezultati pokazuju da je i muška i ženska populacija još uvijek neodlučna u smislu kredibiliteta oglašavanja putem društvenih mreža i masovnih medija. Potrošači smatraju da je oglašavanje na društvenim mrežama dostupnije, no ponekad neprofesionalno, dok oglasi u masovnim medijima zahtijevaju manje truda od strane potrošača, no često ne odgovaraju njihovim interesima i potrebama. Less
social media
consumer behaviour
information processing
decision making
Keywords (english)
društvene mreže
ponašanje potrošača
obrada informacija
proces odlučivanja
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:305065
Study programme Title: English Studies; specializations in: Teacher Education , Translator/Interpreter Education Course: Teacher Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra engleskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra engleskog jezika i književnosti)
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Created on 2019-11-07 11:20:45