Abstract | Sport je važan dio života svake osobe kroz djetinjstvo i adolescenciju. Sport utječe na mentalno i fizičko zdravlje kao i na socijalne vještine. Sport ima jako puno različitih definicija ali ono u čemu se sve podudaraju je da je cilj sporta postići i održati zdravlje. Rano bavljenje sportom omogućuje ljudima stvaranje pozitivnog odnosa prema aktivnostima kao i zdravom načinu života. Kod djece sport ima utjecaj i na bolji uspjeh u školi. Sport ima izrazito veliki utjecaj na mentalno zdravlje, smanjujući stres, anksioznost i depresiju tako što nam se povećava samopouzdanje i učimo se kontrolirati emocije te nam omogućuje osjećaj sreće. Fizička aktivnost kod djece pomaže u održavanju fizičkoga zdravlja. Tu podrazumijevamo održavanje tjelesne mase, jačanje mišića i kostiju. Socijalne vještine koje dijete nauči kroz sport su komunikacija, suradnja s vršnjacima, samokontrola i brojne druge te to dovodi do stvaranje pozitivne društvene zajednice. Sport je bitan segment i odgojno-obrazovne komponente. Dobar trener uči djecu kako komunicirati, kako ih motivirati bez vanjskih čimbenika, razvija karakter i identitet kod djeteta, uči ih moralnim vrijednostima. No, sve će se to ostvariti ako je dijete upisano u pravi sport u pravo vrijeme tu je ključno testirati djetetove motoričke sposobnosti kao i poslušati njegove želje. Osigurat mu zadovoljenje svih osnovnih potreba za kretanjem, slobodom, pripadnošću i moći. |
Abstract (english) | Sport is an important part of every person's childhood and adolescence, affecting mental, physical health, and social skills. While sport has many definitions, they all agree that its goal is to achieve and maintain health. Early engagement in sports allows individuals to develop a positive bond and relationship with physical activities and a healthy lifestyle.
In terms of children, sports can have a beneficial effect on academic success and mental health. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, increases self-confidence, helps manage emotions, and promotes happiness. Additionally, physical activity in children helps maintain physical health, including body weight, muscle, and skeletal strength. It also promotes social skills, teaching children how to communicate and cooperate with their peers, as well as exercise self-control, leading to the creation of positive and healthy social groups.
Sport is an important part of academic institutions and educational growth. A good coach or teacher teaches children how to communicate without external benefits or reinforcements, develop their character and identity, and promotes moral values. However, it is crucial to emphasize that these benefits are achieved only if the child is enrolled in the right sport at the right time. To achieve this, it is essential to test children’ motor skills and listen to their wishes and needs. Allowing children to gain and maintain their basic needs for movement, freedom, belonging, and power is of utmost importance. |