Abstract | Usmena se književnost prepričavala naraštajima, kao što samo ime kaže, usmenim
putem. Dio je nematerijalne kulturne baštine uz običaje, obrede, predaje i vjerovanja, a
zajedno čine temelj kulturnog i narodnog identiteta pojedinca. Većina se običaja zapisana u
ovom radu zadržala u nekim selima Vrgoračkog kraja, kao što su svatovski i neki božićni
običaji, dok su neki nažalost izumrli. U ovom su radu opisani običaji vezani uz sljedeće
blagdane i spomendane: Bezgrješno začeće Blažene Djevice Marije, Sveti Nikola, Badnjak,
Božić, Sveti Stjepan Prvomučenik, Sveti Ivan Evanđelist, Nevina dječica, Sveta Tri kralja i
Nova Godina. Osim toga, zabilježene su i usmene predaje o vilenjacima, morama i
vješticama, narodne poslovice i običaji vezani za vjenčanje i sprovode. Posebno se ističe
tradicionalni vrgorački kolač ćupter od varenika i pšeničnog brašna za čiju su izradu bila
potrebna čak dva mjeseca, a danas je zaštićen kao nematerijalno kulturno dobro. |
Abstract (english) | Oral literature has been passed down to generations – as the name suggests – orally. It
is a part of the intangible cultural heritage along with customs, rituals, traditions and beliefs
and together they form the basis of an individual's cultural and national identity. Most of the
customs recorded in this paper are still alive today, while others are unfortunately extinct.
This paper describes the following customs and memorials: Immaculate Conception of
Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Nicholas, Christmas Eve, Christmas, St. Stephen the Protomartyr,
St. John the Evangelist, Holy Innocents, the Holy Three Kings and New Year's Eve. Also,
oral traditions about elves, moras and witches, folk proverbs and customs related to weddings
and funerals were recorded in this paper. The traditional cake od the Vrgorac region is ćupter,
which is made out of wheat flour and grape juice. The manner in which this cake is made is
very interesting because it took two months to be prepared. Today, ćupter is protected as an
intangible cultural asset. |