Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu napravljen je pregled povijesnog razvoja KUD-a Salona od
njegova utemeljenja do danas prikazom glavnih obilježja i promjena koje su se tijekom
vremena događale u društvu. Osim toga, istaknuta je povezanost KUD-a Salona sa solinskom
ustanovom za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje Dječji vrtić Cvrčak Solin kroz
manifestaciju Oklen si dite? – Maja Matas. KUD Salona utemeljen je 1943. kao mješoviti
zbor Udarnik, a njegova folklorna sekcija kreirana je deset godina kasnije. Uz folklornu
sekciju društvo ima još i mandolinsko-tamburaški orkestar koji postoji otkad je društva te
žensku vokalnu skupinu utemeljenu 2009. Tijekom svojeg postojanja društvo je ostvarilo više
od tri tisuće nastupa u zemlji i inozemstvu na kojima je otplesano ukupno 30 različitih
koreografija, a pri čemu su primljene brojne nagrade i priznanja. Nakon Domovinskog rata
sve koreografije iz bivše države uklonjene su s plesnog repertoara, a danas se izvode samo
koreografije koje predstavljaju hrvatsku tradiciju i folklorno stvaralaštvo. Društvo je prvu
dječju folklornu skupinu osnovalo 1980. pod imenom Pionirsko-omladinska grupa. S radom
je prestala 1983. da bi se dječje skupine ponovno pokrenule 1993., a sve do 2015. uključivale
su samo djecu od petog do osmog razreda osnovne škole. U međuvremenu u ustanovi za rani i
predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje Dječji vrtić Cvrčak Solin započeto je s folklornom
manifestacijom Oklen si dite? u čijoj je organizaciji sudjelovala pok. Maja Matas, bivša
članica KUD-a Salona i odgojiteljica u vrtiću. S obzirom na to da je uspostavljanje folklora u
odgojno-obrazovni program djece u ranoj i predškolskoj dobi stvorilo problem nemogućnosti
pohađanja folklora između vrtića i petog razreda osnovne škole, KUD Salona uspostavio je
dodatne dječje plesne skupine pa danas postoje mlađa dječja plesna skupina (1. – 4. razred
osnovne škole), srednja dječja plesna skupina (5. – 6. razred) i dječji ansambl (7. i 8. razred). |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, an overview of the historical development of KUD Salona from its
foundation to the present day was made through the presentation of the main characteristics
and changes that occurred in society over time. In addition, the association of KUD Salona
with the Solin institution for early and preschool education, Dječji vrtić Cvrčak Solin, was
highlighted through the event Oklen si dite? – Maja Matas. KUD Salona was founded in 1943
as a mixed quire named Udarnik, and its folklore section was created ten years later. In
addition to the folklore section, the society also has a mandolin-tambourine orchestra that has
existed since the society, and a female vocal group was founded in 2009 and. During its
existence, KUD Salona performed over 3,000 performances in the country and abroad, where
a total of 30 different choreographies were danced, and many awards and recognitions were
received. After the Homeland War, all choreographies from the former state were removed
from the dance repertoire, and today only choreographies representing Croatian tradition and
folklore are performed. KUD Salona founded its first children's folklore group in 1980 under
the name Pionirsko-omladinska grupa. It stopped working in 1983, but the children's groups
were started again in 1993, and until 2015, they only included children from the 5th to the 8th
grade of elementary school. In the meantime, Dječji vrtić Cvrčak Solin, an institution for early
and preschool education, started with the folkloric event Oklen si dite?, organized by Maja
Matas, a former member of KUD Salona and kindergarten educator. Considering that the
establishment of folklore in the educational program of children in early and preschool age
created the problem of the impossibility of attending folklore between kindergarten and the
5th grade of elementary school, KUD Salona filled that "hole" by establishing additional
children's dance groups, so today there are: junior children's dance group (1st - 4th grade of
elementary school), secondary children's dance group (5th - 6th grade) and children's
ensemble (7th and 8th grade). |