Author Daria Gospodnetić
Mentor Marko Dragić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Dragić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Bošković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Škvorc (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Croatian Language and Literature) Split
Defense date and country 2014-07-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu obrađuje se tema Tradicijska kulturna baština Brača. Povijest otoka Brača ispisao je sam njen puk. Brač obiluje usmenom književnošću, naročito usmenim pjesništvom, ali je malo toga zabilježeno. Većina usmeno-književne baštine čuva se u mislima starih Bračana, ali se sve više gubi jer nije opipljiva, nije zapisana u tolikoj mjeri da bi se dobro očuvala. U ovom radu naglasak je na narodnim običajima i vjerovanjima te pjesmama vezanim za njih, na mikrostrukturnim oblicima
... More (zagonetkama i poslovicama), te usmenoj prozi. Običaji i vjerovanja vezani su za čovjekov rad i način života. Zagonetkama se provjeravala intelektualna zrelost mladeži. Zagonetke su, također, služile za zabavu i razonodu u raznim prigodama: za vrijeme berbe maslina, za vrijeme predaha kod težačkih poslova itd., te kako bi se zaboravile surove misli teške svakodnevnice. Poslovicom se prenosi višestoljetno i višemilenijsko iskustvo koje jezgrovito tipizira osobe, događaje i pojave. Stari Bračani su željeli poslovicama mladom čovjeku uputiti koju mudru misao i prenijeti svoje životno iskustvo. Usmena proza obuhvaća vrste priča: bajke, basne, predaje, novele, anegdote, šale, viceve i legende. Bračani su poznati po svojoj šaljivosti, pa tako njeguju razne šaljive oblike i dosjetke. Povijesne i mitske predaje koje iskazuju emotivan odnos prema domaćem kraju ili ukorijenjena vjerovanja u nadnaravne pojave, mogu se danas na Braču češće čuti. Prema informacijama dobivenim od pripovjedača nazivi za pripovijetke na Braču jesu ovi: priče, fjabule, gončice, gančice, ganke itd. Zanimljive su Bolske fjabe i gočice kojima se nazivaju legende i predaje koje su se pričale na području mjesta Bol. Najveći dio priča je o macićima, bićima ili čudovištima koja vole nestašluk, i znaju zadati problema mještanima, uznemiravajući životinje, uništavajući polja i slično. Postoje i razne legende o svecima, vragu i ženama kao glavnim likovima gdje najčešće vrag biva nasamaren. Priče o vješticama upućuju na postojanje demonoloških predaja. Demonološke (demonske) predaje u osnovi imaju osobni doživljaj, susret s demonološkim (onostranim) bićem. Prisutne su i razne pripovijetke s raznolikim temama, najčešće šaljive. Na Braču postoje uz pripovijetke i priče, legende koje su najčešće nerealne i vezane za nekog sveca ili vile. Najčešće su to sv. Roko, sv. Petar, Isus i sveti Ivan Krstitelj. Sveti Roko je zaštitnik Sutivana. Postoje mnoge legende i pjesme o svetom Roku, a u najpoznatijima sveti Roko najčešće tjera kugu iz nekog mjesta. Svi ovi usmeni oblici potvrđuju koliko je bogata baština otoka Brača, i vrijedna daljneg istaživanja i otkrivanja novih predaja i običaja. Less
Abstract (english) The final work deals with the topic of Traditional Cultural Inheritance of Brač. The history of the island of Brač has been written out by its population. Brač abounds in oral literature, especially oral poetry, although little of it has been recorded. Most oral literature inheritance has been kept in minds of old residents and it is lost, intangible and not written down in order to be preserved in appropriate media. The focus of the work is on customs and beliefs and lyrical songs
... More associated with them, on microstructural forms (riddles and proverbs), as well as oral prose. Customs and belifs are related to man's work and the way of life. The intellectual maturity of youth was tested by riddles. Furthermore they were used for fun and entertainment in various occasions: during the olive picking or to relax after farming work etc. to turn heavy thoughts from the cruelty of everyday life. A proverb transfers multi-century and millennial experience that concisely typifies persons, events and phenomena. The old inhabitans of Brač wanted to convey life experience and wise thoughts to a young man.
Oral prose includes the following kinds of stories: fairy tales, fables, sagas, tales , jokes, funs and legends. The residents of Brač are known for humour, so they cherish forms and jokes. Nowdays historical and mythical sagas which express emotional relation towards homeland or deeply rooted beliefs in supernatural phenomena, can be heard on Brač more often. According to information provided by narrators there are different story names: priče, fjabule, gončice, gančice, ganke etc. Interesting are Bolske fjabe i gočice, that include legends and sagas told in the area of Bol. Most stories are about macići, beings or monsters that like mischief and can cause problems to villagers by disturbing animals, destroying fields etc. There are various legends about saints, devil and women who are the main characters of events in which the devil is befooled. Stories about witches refers to the existence of demonological saga. The essence of demonological (demonic) saga is a personal experience, an encounter with a demonological (supernatural) being. There can also be found various stories with a wide variety of subjects, mostly humorous. Besides tales and stories, there are legends, usually unrealistic, mostly related to saints or fairies. The saints are St. Roko, St. Peter, Jesus and St. John the Baptist. St. Roko is a patron saint of Sutivan. There are many legends and poems about him and in the most famous of them he pushes plague from a place. All these oral records are confirmation that the inheritance of the island of Brač is rich and worth researching and revealing new sagas and customs. Less
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:111454
Study programme Title: Croatian language and literature; specializations in: Teacher Training, Croatian Cultural Studies Course: Teacher Training Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
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Created on 2017-05-17 12:13:47