Sažetak | Pandemija Covid-19 koja je započela krajem 2019. godine, uvukla se u sve sfere života i promijenila ih iz korijena. Utjecala je na naše svakodnevno funkcioniranje, od ekonomije i poslovanja, učenja, do socijalizacije i svih ostalih područja, a ponajviše zdravlja. Za zaštitu od širenja virusa bilo je potrebno slijediti upute vladinog stožera koje su uključivale mjere distanciranja, nošenje maski, dezinfekciju, testiranje ili cijepljenje te mjere izolacije. U ovom radu naglasak je na poslovnim prostorima u pandemiji, koji su se mijenjali ovisno o grani industrije. U kvalitativnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je sedam ispitanika, koji su metodom intervjuiranja iznijeli svoja iskustva u poslu tijekom i nakon korona krize. Obuhvaćeni sektori bili su promet, IT/elektrotehnika, odgoj i obrazovanje, turizam i ugostiteljstvo, trgovina, građevina/graditeljstvo te zdravstvo. Prema rezultatima, uočavamo da je s najmanje promjena prošla IT industrija, dok je najnegativnije posljedice pandemija ostavila na turizam i ugostiteljstvo te trgovačke djelatnosti, zbog veće učestalosti ostajanja radnika bez posla te smanjenja prihoda. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The Covid-19 pandemic, which started at the end of 2019, entered into all spheres of our life and changed them from the roots. It has influenced our daily functioning, from economy and business, learning, to socialization and all other areas, and most important, health. To protect against the spread of the virus, it was necessary to follow the instructions of the government headquarters, which included distancing measures, wearing masks, disinfection, testing or vaccination, and isolation measures. In this paper, the emphasis is on business premises during the pandemic, which changed depending on the branch of industry. Seven interviewees participated in the qualitative research, who presented their experiences at bussines space during and after the corona crisis using the interview method. The included sectors were transport, IT/electrical engineering, education, tourism and hospitality, trade, construction and health. According to the results, we can see that the IT industry has undergone the least changes, while the pandemic has had the most negative consequences on tourism, hospitality and trade activities, due to the higher frequency of unemployment and reduced income. |