Sažetak | Sarkofazi bračko-salonitanskog tipa jednostavno su oblikovani, a jedine ukrase na
njima predstavljaju različite varijante križa posred sanduka. U disertaciji je predložena nova
tipologija ove skupine koja uzima u obzir variranje osnovnih tipova križa, smještaj križa
unutar različitih kompozicijskih okvira, povezanost križa s tim okvirom te povezanost okvira
s letvom kojom je na bazi obrubljena prednja strana sarkofaga. Na temelju navedenih kriterija
uspostavljene su četiri grupe s podtipovima (IA i IB, IIA i IIB, IIIA i IIIB i IV). Postoje i dva
primjerka koja se ne mogu svrstati niti u jednu od grupa jer predstavljaju kombinaciju
višestrukih grupa i podtipova, a predstavljaju potvrdu mogućnosti istovremenog nastanka više
različitih tipova bračko-salonitanskih sarkofaga te postojanje relativno uskog vremenskog
razdoblja unutar kojeg su ti sarkofazi bili izrađivani.
Predočena je prostorna distribucija sarkofaga ovog tipa. Od osamdeset i sedam
primjeraka, dvadeset i dva su nađena na zapadnoj, dok ih je šezdeset i pet nađeno na istočnoj
obali Jadrana. Od ta šezdeset i četiri primjeraka s istočne obale Jadrana tek su dva nađena
nešto dublje u unutrašnjosti, dok su na zapadnoj obali Jadrana od dvadeset i dva primjeraka
tek tri nađeni dublje u unutrašnjosti. Najveća brojnost nalaza je na širem prostoru oko Salone,
trideset i tri primjerka. Kad pak promatramo preostale primjerke nađene na istočnoj obali
Jadrana vidimo kako su, uz tek nekoliko iznimaka, distribuirani uzduž glavnog antičkog
plovnog puta Salona – Jader – Pola – Akvileja. Dužjadranska plovidba nije završavala u
Akvileji. Jednako važno odredište bila je i Ravenna, u kojoj je nađeno dvanaest primjeraka,
što čini Ravennu, nakon Salone i Brača, mjestom s najviše nađenih sarkofaga bračkosalonitanskog tipa.
Sarkofazi bračko-salonitanskog tipa su slični po dimenzijama, obliku i ukrasu na
prednjoj strani sanduka te su ih vjerojatno radionice radile prema zajedničkim predlošcima.
Promotre li se mjere sarkofaga naziru se njihove uravnotežene proporcije. Može se prepoznati
modularna shema po kojoj su odmjerene njihove dimenzije. Od pedeset i tri primjerka
sarkofaga, kojima su sačuvane mjere, usporedba triju dimenzija pokazala je da je njih
dvadeset i pet respektiralo pri izradi, u najmanje jednoj od dimenzija, modul zadan tzv.
bizantskom stopom.
Sarkofazi nisu bili jedini proizvod bračko-salonitanskog radioničkog kruga. Radionice
u Saloni i na Braču mogle su u potpunosti opremiti neku sakralnu građevinu. Kameni crkveni
namještaj iz Lovrečine i Mirja na Braču, Brzeta pokraj Omiša, Bijaća i Srime napravljen je u
lokalnim bračko-salonitanskim radionicama. Sličnosti u tlocrtima spomenutih građevina te
specifičnost u izradi namještaja koji je krasio te crkve ukazuju na isto ishodište.
Sarkofazi bračko-salonitanskog tipa predstavljaju tek reduciran odraz umjetničkih
trendova u značajnijim kulturno-umjetničkim središtima Carstva. Uočavanjem indikativnih
strukturalnih, izvedbenih i ikonografskih sličnosti – ali i neospornih razlika – u disertaciji je
pokazano kako ova skupina sarkofaga predstavlja stilski odraz općih umjetničkih strujanja na
provincijskoj razini. Transfer ikonografsko-morfoloških rješenja iz prijestolnice Carstva
prema ostalim centrima na zapadu se promatrao kroz suvremenu produkciju sarkofaga i
kamene plastike.
Poteškoću u određivanju vremenske pripadnosti ovog tipa sarkofaga predstavljala je
činjenica da velika većina sarkofaga bračko-salonitanskog tipa nije nađena na svom izvornom
mjestu, niti unutar arheološkog konteksta. Ipak, komparacijom arheološkog materijala
nađenog u sarkofazima iz Trevisa i Splita, a posebice predstavljanjem bazilike Sv. Agate u
Ravenni kao studije slučaja kronološke stratifikacije ove skupine sarkofaga, određena je
preciznije vremenska amplituda u kojoj se može gibati ova grupa sarkofaga. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The sarcophagi of the Brač-Salonitan Type are known for their simple design. These
sarcophagi feature a singular ornament: variations of the cross motif centred on the
rectangular box. This dissertation introduces a new typological classification for these
sarcophagi, considering the different cross types, their placement within various
compositional frameworks, the relationship between the cross and the framework, and the
connection between the framework and the moulding on the sarcophagus's frontal panel.
Based on these criteria, four primary groups with corresponding subtypes have been
identified: IA and IB, IIA and IIB, IIIA and IIIB, and IV. Additionally, there are two
sarcophagi that do not fit into any of these groups, as they combine elements from multiple
groups and subtypes. These sarcophagi confirm the simultaneous production of different
Brač-Salonitan sarcophagus types within the relatively short period during which they were
The spatial distribution of this type of sarcophagi is presented. Of the eighty-seven
sarcophagi, twenty-two were found on the western coast and sixty-five on the eastern coast of
the Adriatic. Among the sixty-five sarcophagi from the eastern coast, only two were found
slightly further inland. Conversely, on the western coast of the Adriatic, only three out of the
twenty-two were found deeper inland. The highest concentration of finds is in the broader
area around Salona, with thirty-three specimens discovered. When considering the remaining
specimens found on the eastern coast of the Adriatic, we observe that, with only a few
exceptions, they are distributed along the main ancient sea route Salona – Jader – Pola –
Aquileia. Adriatic navigation did not conclude in Aquileia; an equally significant destination
was Ravenna, where twelve specimens were found. This makes Ravenna, following Salona
and Brač, the location with the most Brač-Salonitan Type of the sarcophagi discovered.
The sarcophagi of the Brač-Salonitan Type were mass-produced, and due to similarity
in dimensions, shape, and decoration on the frontal panel, workshops likely produced them
using common templates. Upon examining the measurements of the sarcophagi, their
balanced proportions become apparent. A modular scheme can be identified based on how
their dimensions were measured. Out of the fifty-three sarcophagi for which we have
measurements, when comparing their three dimensions, it becomes evident that twenty-five of
them adhered to a module defined by the so-called Byzantine foot in at least one dimension
during production.
The sarcophagi were not the exclusive product of the Brač-Salona workshops. The
workshops stationed in Salona and on Brač could fully equip a sacred building. The stone
church furniture from Lovrečina and Mirje on Brač, Brzet near Omiš, Bijaći, and Srima was
made in the local Brač-Salona workshops. Similarities in the floor plans of the mentioned
buildings and the specificity in the craftsmanship of the furniture that adorned these churches
indicate the same origin.
Sarcophagi of the Brač-Salonitan Type represent merely a reduced reflection of the
artistic trends in the more significant cultural and artistic centres of the Eastern Empire. By
identifying indicative structural, performative, and iconographic similarities – as well as
undeniable differences – the dissertation demonstrates how this group of sarcophagi
represents a stylistic reflection of general artistic currents at a provincial level. The transfer of
iconographic and morphological solutions from the capital of the Empire to other centres in
the west was observed through the contemporary production of sarcophagi and stone
The difficulty in determining the chronological attribution of this type of sarcophagus
was posed by the fact that the vast majority of sarcophagi of the Brač-Salonitan Type were not
found in their original locations, nor within an archaeological context. However, by
comparing the archaeological material found in sarcophagi from Treviso and Split, and
especially through the presentation of the Basilica of St. Agatha in Ravenna as a case study of
the chronological stratification of this group of sarcophagi, a more precise time frame in
which this group of sarcophagi can be situated has been determined. |