Abstract | Istočnojadranska obala je tijekom kasne antike bilježila rast u izgradnji fortifikacija
procesom koji nazivamo kastrizacija. Iz tog vremena danas pronalazimo razne arheološke
ostatke među kojima su i utvrde tipa kastruma te pripadajućih sakralnih objekata. Unutar
historiografije te otkrivene utvrde duž otoka istočne obale Jadrana, sve od Elafitskih otoka na
jugu do Velikog Brijuna na sjeveru, kojih je najviše pronađeno u Zadarskoj regiji, dovode se u
vezu s vremenom nakon Bizantsko-Gotskih ratova, odnosno drugom polovicom 6. st. i
vladavinom bizantskog cara Justinijana I. Rad se bavi istraživanjem tog pretpostavljenog
sustava, prije svega obradom otočnih i obalnih utvrda za koje se uzima da su iz razdoblja
Justinijanove rekonkviste. Osim obrade tih utvrda, dotiče se i podataka o drugim tragovima
pretpostavljenog sistema zaštite važnih plovidbenih putova. Fokus rada je na proučavanju
problematike koju donosi tema, sve od uporabe termina limes, njegova značenja, poznatih
primjera limesa, promjena i novosti tijekom vladavine cara Justinijana I. Velikog, BizantskoGotskih ratova i njihova utjecaja na Istočnu obalu Jadrana, preko karakterističnosti procesa
kastrizacije, općenitih postavki Justinijanova limesa, sve do problema koja su iznjedrila
tijekom dosadašnjih istraživanja. |
Abstract (english) | During Late Antiquity, the Eastern Adriatic coast saw an increase in the construction
of fortifications through a process we call castellation. Today, we find various archaeological
remains from that period, including castrum type fortifications and their associated sacral
buildings. Within historiography, the discovered forts along the islands of the Eastern coast of
the Adriatic sea, from the Elaphite Islands in the south, to the Veliki Brijuni in the north, most
of which were found in the Zadar region, are associated with the time after the ByzantineGothic Wars, in the second half of the 6th century, and the reign of the Byzantine emperor
Justinian I. This paper deals with the research of this assumed system, primarily with the
processing of island and coastal fortifications, which are considered to be from the period of
Justinian’s reconquest. In addition to the processing of these fortifications, this paper also
touches on data on other traces of the presumed system of protection of the important
navigation routes. The focus of the paper is on the study of the issues brought by the topic,
everything from the use of the term limes, it’s meaning, known examples of the limes, changes
and innovations during the reign of Emperor Justinian I., the characteristics of the castellation
process, the general settings of Justinian’s limes, up to the problems that have arisen during
previous research. |